Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Whore List

The following pose as journalists. When they can take accountability for their actions, they may be seen as journalists. At present, they are in serious denial about how their actions look to many people. Some have argued that they aren't responsible for every comment left. They're missing the point. Group-think and spin are not supposed to be left values. Hidden plots cooked up in secret are not supposed to be left values. There were at least 400 members of Journolist -- hiding on a list-serv to plot and strategize for to 'win it' for Barack -- here's a few of the losers.

1) Katha Pollitt, The Nation
2) Spencer Ackerman, Washington Independent, Wired
3) Peter Orszag, OMB and poster-boy for Dead Beat Dads
4) Ezra Klein, Washington Post
5) Chris Hayes, The Nation, In These Times, Chicago Reader
6) Richard Kim, The Nation
7) Ryan Donmoyer, Bloomberg News
8) Kate Steadman, Kaiser Health News,
9) Moria Whelan, National Security Network
10) Eric Alterman, The Nation, Media Matters
11) Dean Baker, American Prospect, Grit-TV
12) Steven Benen, The Carpetbagger Report
13) Julie Bergman Sender, Media Consortium, New Politics Institute, attacker of Cindy Sheehan,
14) Ari Berman, The Nation
15) Brian Beutler, The Media Consortium
16) Michael Bérubé, Crooked Timber
17) Joel Bleifuss, In These Times
18) Sam Boyd, American Prospect
19) Lakshmi Chaudry, In These Times
20) Joe Conason, Salon, New York magazine
21) Brad DeLong, Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal
22) Kevin Drum, Washington Monthly
23) Henry Farrell, Crooked Timber
24) James Galbraith, Washington Post, The Nation, et al
25) Todd "the Toad" Gitlin, TPM Cafe and many an after hours dive
26) Merrill Goozner, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, CJR, Gooznews
27) Ilan Goldenberg, Huffington Post, Democracy Arsenal and now the Pentagon
28) Robert Greenwald, hack director of many a bad film, remembered only for directing The Burning Bed -- a simplistic and static TV movie made riveting only by the amazing performance of Farrah Fawcett
29) Don Hazen, Alternet
30) Michael Kazin, Politico, The Guardian, Dissent
31) Ed Kilgore, The Democratic Strategist
32) Richard Kim, The Nation
33) Ben Smith, Politico
34) David Corn, Mother Jones and future Chubby Chasers centerfold
34) Mark Kleiman, American Prospect, his beard models -- most notably on Retro's cover story "Things from the 19th Century that are never coming back!"
35) Scott McLemee, Inside Higher Ed
36) Ari Melber, The Nation (the Ari everyone forgets)
37) Rick Perlstein, Campaign for America's Future
38) David Roberts, Grist
39) Thomas Schaller, The Baltimore Sun
40) Mark Schmitt, American Prospect
41) Adele Stan, Huffington Post, American Prospect and any place they'll toss a few quarters her way
42) Jonathan Stein, Mother Jones
43) Mark Thoma, CBS Money Watch, Huffington Post, The Guardian, The Economist's View
44) Michael Tomasky, The Guardian
45) Cenk Uygur, Young Turks, Huffington Post and plus-size model
46) Tracy Van Slyke, Media Consortium, Beyond The Echo
47) Kai Wright, NPR, The Nation, The Root
48) Luke Mitchell, Harpers, star of America's Tiniest Gun
49) Josh Bearman, LA Weekly
50) Alec McGillis, Washington Post
51) Laura Rozen, Politico
52) Joe Klein, Time magazine, star of Man of a Thousand Faces
53) Jeffrey Toobin, New Yorker
54) Michael Sherer, Time magazine.
55) Jonathan Chait, New Republic
56) John Judis, New Republic
57) Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
58) Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic
59) Avi Zenilman, Politico
60) Mike Allen, Politico
61) Paul Krugman, New York Times
62) Eve Fairbanks, New Republic
63) Lisa Lerer, Politico