Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kids Korner

There's nothing young children and tweens love better than hot, hot, hottie Carl Davidson. And we're happy to provide the first (as far as we know) paper dolls of Carl.


Dress Carl up in all his finery. Costumes based on real life outfits of Carl's with actual input from Carl!!!!


Sometimes Carl has a fancy event to go to. When that happens, he pulls out the bowling shirt and the lime green pants! But sometimes he wants to look hip and hang with the kids who worship him so much and on those days and nights he grabs a pair of shorts and his favorite belly shirt.

And then there are those nights when a Carl has to do what a Carl has to do. Put on your red dress, mama, and your wig-hat on your head . . . .


All proceeds go in Carl's pocket to continue his reign as America's Top Fashionista.