Sunday, July 04, 2010

The end

As the Gulf Disaster continued, as the oil spewing into the ocean continued killing off wildlife and local business, while Barack Obama preened and posed for the cameras, around the United States, all but the criminally insane began to realize that 2008 had been a national nightmare, an outbreak of some sort of virus that swept the nation causing people to set aside standards and requirements, causing them to hire the job applicant with no experience, no knowledge and, let's face it, a questionable history.

Did no one check this Tony Rezko reference?

As the Gulf Disaster continued, it became obvious that there was something to be said for waiting your turn. That experience did matter.

Most of all, it became obvious that no way, no how was Barack ready for that three a.m. phone call.

Barack speaking at Coakley rally

And then the nightmare really began.