Sunday, July 11, 2010

Editorial: End Operation Happy Talk

Doug Henwood: Meanwhile we had Joe Biden visiting -- in a fly-by visit to Iraq the other day. And he's saying, 'You'd be surprised by how well things are going there' -- or something to that effect. What in God's name is he talking about?

Bill Hartung: Well, you know, I don't think -- There's still religious and ethnic divides, there's still suicide bombings, there's difficulty in forming a, you know, consensus government. I think this is kind of under the category "Maybe We Can Get Out And Nobody Will Notice Because Of All The Build Up In Afghanistan." So after all the money and all the lives that have been lost, you know, they certainly haven't built the, you know, new, democratic, accountable government in Afghanistan that the Bush administration kept promising.

That's from last week's Doug Henwood's Behind The News program.

What the hell was Joe Biden doing?


Above he's shaking hands with a new US citizen. That we can understand. But the rest of that trip?

From Saturday through last Monday, the vice president of the United States was in Iraq.

Ever since Beau Biden got back from Iraq, Joe's been trying to sell it as a success. Originally, he tried selling it as Barack's success and that pissed off a number of right-wingers. So now he tries to pimp it as a success for Barack and Bush.

It's War Crimes. It's no success.

But there was Biden trying so hard to sell it to reporters.

And they were happy to swallow.

He talked about the 'little violence.' And got away with it through Wednesday. That's the day the attack on the pilgrims resulted in at least 68 of them dead.

In the Bush administration, they never learned. They'd spin and spin and be surprised when reality struck them in the face. It appears this is one more thing Barack's carried over to the new administration.

Not only did the violence last week reject Biden's assertion, so did the United Nations Assistance Mission's [PDF format warning] "Human Rights Report."

But we're supposed to buy another wave of Operation Happy Talk. It was stupid enough when the Bush administration thought they could get away with it. It's downright insulting when Barak and Biden continue it.