Sunday, March 28, 2010

About that 'amazing' ObamaCare

ObamaCare was rammed through last week. It's a miracle and historic . . . to hear and read all the government propaganda passed off as reporting.

But help us out, if it's so wonderful and amazing, why was one group of the population so worried that they needed assurances in writing?

You probably think we mean Bart Stupak and the other anti-choice Democrats. We don't. Little noted but last week the House Veterans Affairs' Subcommittee on Disability had a hearing and, in his opening remarks, Subcommittee Chair John Hall declared:

In a rare Sunday session, Congress passed and the President signed the sweeping health care reform package and I'm pleased that [VA] Secretary Eric Schinseki as well as the Chairman of the full VA Committee (US House Rep Bob Filner] and the full Armed Services Committee [US House Rep Ike Skelton] have signed a letter and sent it to the VSOs stating unequivocally that Tri-Care and VA care will not be effected by the health care legislation.

Tri-Care and VA won't be effected. And that needed to be put in writing. But ObamaCare's cause for celebration?

only if you weren't paying attention.
