Sunday, January 24, 2010

Toxic Barry

Last Sunday, he thought he still had power.

Barack speaking at Coakley rally

That's when he breezed through Massachusetts knowing -- just knowing -- he could pull out a win for Martha Coakley. (Coakley's problems started when she got too close to Barack.)

Like everything else he does, it was half-assed and too late.

And Scott Brown ended up winning shocking a media that had long ago become the Cult of St. Barack.

Now his 'health care' plan (BigBusinessGiveAway) is dead. And it's so dead that Norman Solomon could actually speak out against it last week.

Now he's having to work really, really hard on his upcoming State of the Union speech.

He's toxic.

He's already cost two governorships in the last few months and now a US Senate seat.

He's so toxic that everyone is laughing at a certain in-the-tank for Barry blogger who is now e-mailing people she banned two years ago asking them to please consider posting comments at her site again.

That little blogger dumped Hillary the minute she realized there was money to be made in the Cult of St. Barack. How very telling that now she realizes she can't make anymore money singing "Loving You" to Barry.

The ground didn't shift when Scott Brown won. It had already shifted. In fact, that's partly why he won.

The change -- the real change you can believe in -- was that the media saw a sucker draining them and decided they'd work less hard to hype him.