Sunday, December 20, 2009

Come And Get These Memories

From time to time, because we all need a good laugh, we'll dip into the pre-November 2008 world for a chuckle.

On January 10th, Seth Michaels blogged "Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Union Endorses Obama" at the AFL-CIO's blog. Even then, if the entire world did not appear to love Barry O, it was too much for members of the Cult of St. Barack. Hence this 'informed' comment by Missy:

Missy on 10.01.2008 at 22:09 (Reply)
I am amazed that not one person commented about the fact the other unions endorsed but as soon as Obama gets one endorsement someone has a negative comment. If you have not heard what Obama said he was going to do then obviously there is something wrong with you.
Obama has a stronger AFL-CIO voting record than Hillary Clinton and has long been a supporter of working families. He has been clear and concise about the fact that #1 he is going to begin a phase withdrawal to get our troops out of Iraq, #2 Universal Healthcare with mandates for children but not for adults who cannot afford it and #3 restore middle class jobs.

Uh, Missy, that one brigade a month withdrawal? Still hasn't happened. Barry's been in office for 12 months now. Your 'universal health care' that would have 'mandates for children but not for adults who cannot afford it'? Hysterical. And as for restoring middle class jobs, well, we just hope you still have a job in 2009, Missy. We'd hate to picture a dreamer such as yourself awaking to harsh reality.