Sunday, November 29, 2009

When Bully Met Poodle

Did you know the former Bully Boy of the United States, George W. Bush, felt all foreign leaders were like "creatures from outer space" except for one? Want to guess which one? It's the one he spent mysterious time with at the Crawford Ranch in the summer of 2002 -- with both men sending away prying advisers while they plotted hateful war together.

Thursday, during the Iraq Inquiry, Christopher Meyer's testimony touched on the special and, yes, strange relationship of George W. Bush and Tony Blair.

White House photo

"Hello, Tony. May I call you Tony? Welcome to Camp David."

"Hello, George. May I call you George? Great to be here. What are we going to talk about?"

That's the initial exchange as Meyers offered it in testimony to the committee.

Tony Blair wasn't just "Tony," he was special.

Meyers explained, "I remember Condoleeza Rice saying to me, 'The President has just got back and he said the only human being he felt he could talk to was Tony, the rest of them were like creatures from outer space,' or some such phrase."

Somewhere Australia's former prime minister John Howard blasts Aretha Franklin's "Sweet, Bitter Love" on the stereo and sobs into his pillow, "Why, George, why!!! Why wasn't I enough for you!!!!"