Sunday, October 11, 2009

Editorial: It's not hurt feelings

Judging by e-mails to this site and the general conversation taking place in the country, there seems to be some confusion over what is required.

So let's be clear to the Cult of St. Barack which took to the airwaves, the internet and to paper to lie throughout the Democratic Party primary season: An apology is meaningless.

Please, you're liars.

You're damned liars and you're now liars with a track record.

We'd no more accept your 'pretty words' than we would Barack's.

You don't seem to grasp what went down.

It wasn't that Barack got the nomination over someone else.

This isn't about sour grapes and you'd do well to grasp that quickly.

As long as you continue to delude yourself that it's an issue of 'hurt feelings,' you're never going to get it.

It's what you did and it's that we know what you did, that we saw what you did.

American Dad

Words will not take back 2008.

If you've forgotten (or want to pretend like you have) your behavior was unacceptable.

We grasp that a number of you aren't really Democrats. (This isn't aimed at the closet Communists or closet Socialists.) We get that you're Republicans who like to say you crossed over but you really haven't. You're just looking for a way to make a buck and by 2002, it was obvious to even you that the GOP was a sinking ship.

We grasp that because, during the primaries, you showed your true colors. You started attacking Hillary Clinton by . . . repeating the right-wing lies. Lies that were long ago rejected by the bulk of the left -- excepting only nut jobs like Alexander Cockburn and Sam Smith. You repeated it. You presented Matt Drudge as a respected source. Yes, your roots were showing and they betrayed you.

Now prior to 2007, we were hearing that we'd stick together and we'd fight this and that and we'd end the illegal war. (If we listened closely, we also heard you Republicans posing as Democrats make your anti-choice rumbles.) We were in it together -- all of us. That was the lie.

And we'd live in the 'reality-based world.'

But we didn't, did we?

And we won't until you get honest about your own actions.

So, for example, John Nichols, that's you. Going on Democracy Now! to LIE about Hillary. Barack's camp told Canada that they weren't messing with NAFTA. When the press started reporting on it, you took to Democracy Now! and claimed you were working on an explosive story about how it was Hillary having that conversation and Hillary could be tied into the 'false' rumors about Barack.

You f**king lied.

You f**king lied.

And you knew you were lying when you did it.

Ava and C.I. called you out here and knew all about the little conversation you and Amy Goodman had off-air. So why don't you get honest and stop pretending anyone has 'hurt feelings.'

It's not 'hurt feelings,' it's shock and disgust over your actions.

You lied. You lied and used Republican tactics to destroy anyone in your way.

You didn't just mistake Barack for something he wasn't, you behaved appallingly.

The idea that we'll all 'come together' in the near future is unlikely but what makes it even more unlikely is the fact that you betrayed every belief we supposedly shared and you want to pretend it never happened.

You don't seem to get it. It's not hurt feelings.

You need to take accountability and do so publicly.