Sunday, August 23, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report (with us in spirit), Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub. and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- most requested highlight, C.I. updating on last week's topic.

"Carole King is not dead (but that's why it's Crapapedia)" -- 2nd most requested highlight, Crapapedia falsely reported Carole King was dead.

"michelle mercer needs to do some growing up" -- third most requested highlight. And this topic Rebecca's raised is the topic of a roundtable here today.

"Kat's Korner: John Fogerty rushes to country-lite" -- Kat reviews John Fogerty's latest release, due out at the end of August.

"Guest blogging versus Blogging," "Joni For The Roses," "Meet the creator," "The only thing that ever stops bigotry" and "Carole King still alive" -- Ann's posts for the week. Please be sure to check out her site, the newest in the community.

"One question" -- Betty boils it down to the basics.

"Come back, Harriet Miers" -- Isaiah remembers the supreme mirth supplied by Harriet Miers.

"Barry flaunts his inner Reagan" & "THIS JUST IN! WHO VOTED FOR THIS GUY??" -- Cedric and Wally note that Barry unzipped his fly and pulled out his Reagan.

"Guest blogging versus Blogging"

"Joni For The Roses"

"Tired""Hillary is 44, Bob Somerby"

"French Onion Rice in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers an easy recipe (even for noncooks) and addresses the economy.

"tom ridge to publish liary" -- a popular post by Rebecca that led to questions of "liary"? Years ago, Anais Nin and Gore Vidal had a serious dispute about what role he played in her life as documented in her journals. He took to calling her diary a "liary."

"Elizabeth Esser-Stuart" -- Ruth's post which resulted in a nasty e-mail that only makes us love Ruth's post all the more. Kiss our asses, Dennis Loo.

"Ategah Khaki, Barack was sworn in back in January" -- Kat makes it clear that she's real damn sick of these articles about that cover up artist Bush that forget to call out the one continuing the cover up today: Barry O.

"Hate Dumb, Hate Corrente" -- Yeah, it really is offensive that the day after Baghdad is rocked by attacks that Dumb Ass Sarah at Dumb Ass Corrente ignores Iraq (as they always do) but tries to pass of a statement Barbara Bush made about the Iraq War as a statement on Hurricane Katrina. Yeah, they're a bunch of sick f**ks at Corrente.

"Some input for Gene Lyons" -- Stan weighs in with some realities that Gene Lyons forgot to add to the mix.

"Sara Evans is not your punchline" -- Is Bill Moyers Journal just going to continue their attacks on women and never be called on that outside this community?

"PETA, Dave Zirin, Kenneth Theisen, more" -- Dave Zirin cares about millionaire Michael Vick but won't speak up for animals.

"Comeback madness" & "THIS JUST IN! HE'S READY FOR HIS COMEBACK!" -- Barack's polls continue to fall and Mr. Droopy -- as the economy tanks -- takes what is seen as a pricey vacation. Out of touch much?

"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "What if it were you or your children?," "The only thing that ever stops bigotry," "Tips for Pacifica Radio," "'so they just shot him and drove away,'" "Co-ops?," "Collateral damage," "The shameful silence," "Silence as an assault continues," "The targeting of Iraq's LGBT community" and "Her cousin killed her because she was a lesbian" -- The community covers Human Rights Watch report on the targeting of Iraq's LGBT community.