Sunday, June 28, 2009

Truest statement of the week

Over at Hullaballoo Digby writes:
last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart did a nice little rundown on all the cases where the Obama administration’s promises of "transparency" and adherence to constitutional norms have turned out to be shall we say, a bit opaque.
There were those who saw the writing on the wall on these issues through the haze of hopenchange.

Yes Digby, you're absolutely correct.
That was us who saw the writing on the wall. They call us many things, including PUMAs, "bitter knitters," and the "last band of paranoid shrieking holdouts." We were supporters of Hillary Clinton and now we are Democrats in exile.
We weren't fooled by the fancy speechifying or the slick packaging and presentation. We said Obama was a conservative wolf in a progressive's empty suit. We were right and you were wrong. And WE TOLD YOU SO!

-- myiq2xu, "That was us" (The Confluence)