Sunday, June 07, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report (with us in spirit), Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- most requested highlight of the week.

"John V. Whitbeck," "Black and Black churches," "Iraqi refugees," "Brian Montopoli and Drew Barrymore" and "Dr. Tiller" -- Ann continued filling in for Ruth last week. She covered a number of topics.

"gordon brown's troubles, debra sweet," "stinky gordon brown part ii" and "stinky gordon brown stands alone" -- Rebecca staked out the problems Gordon Brown's facing.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Fair Play For Old Men" -- Thomas E. Ricks loves breasts so much, Isaiah gave him a pair to play with.

"Lonely GOP Wallflower" -- Isaiah dips into the archive to highlight this 2005 comic.

"Tuna Casserole in the Kitchen" -- a recipe so simple anyone can make it.

"Chris Matthews, Go To Hell" -- Betty called out Chris Matthews and Evan Thomas.

"Barack Hussein Bush" -- Marcia weighs in on Barry O's speech.

"Yentl" -- Stan's Friday movie post.

"The nothing speech and the groupie Danny""Noam Chomskey on Barry O's speech""Spies???????""Dennis Loo, Tom Burghardt"

"THIS JUST IN! HE DOES THE GOAT DANCE VERY WELL!" and "Barack and the world's blue . . ." -- Wally and Cedric capture the Barry O celebrity.

"Maya Angelou" -- Betty on what she's reading.

"The silence on Dr. George Tiller," "thoughts on abortion rights," "Dr. Tiller," "Isaiah, art and Third," "Disgusted Monday," "Barbara Boxer and Center for Reproductive Rights" -- some community coverage of the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.

"Ginia Bellafante Needs To Be Fired" & "Law & Disorder, Chris Hedges, Isaiah, Third" -- Elaine and Mike offering complimentary posts.

"The House Committee on Veterans Affairs" and "House Committe on Veterans' Affairs' Subcommitte on Health" -- Kat covers two hearings. "Iraq snapshot" and "Iraq snapshot" contain C.I.'s reports on two hearings.