Sunday, May 24, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights. On illustration, we haven't chosen one. Ty said people were e-mailing to ask who the kids and the people were? That was Bette Davis. Here's Frank Sinatra.

Frank Sinatra

"I Hate The War" -- most requested highlight by the readers of this site as passed on by Ty.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Cult of St. Barack Holds Feet to the Fire" -- Isaiah's comie from last Sunday, an instant classic.

C.I.'s Thursday "Iraq snapshot" and Friday "Iraq snapshot,"Betty's "Gail McGown Mellor is a MENACE," Trina's "Steven D. Green is happy with his sentence," Rebecca's "the worst library in the country is in dallas, texas," Ruth's "The CBS Evening Junk News," Kat's "Senate Armed Services Committee" Marcia's "The Dumb Ass Gail McGowan Mellor," Stan's "The sentence," Mike's "The sentence for Green, CCR" -- the sentence for Steven D. Green and the reaction in the community.

"Movie" and "The embarrassing Jerry Lewis" -- Betty and Cedric cover mvoies.

"Barry will detain you" -- Bully Boy Bush was "the decider," Bully Boy Barry wants to be "the detainer."

"Matthew Rothschild finally comes out of the closet," "Right before his dick falls off, Old Man Rothschild gets honest" and "COWARD ROTHSCHILD FINALLY OUT OF THE CLOSET" -- Elaine, Cedric and Wally cover Matty Roth's disclosure.

"Steven D. Green's case may not be over" -- will Green appeal?

"Iraq snapshot," "Jim Webb on dwell time," "Senate Armed Services Committee (Army suicide)," "Iraq snapshot," "Senate Democratic Policy Committee hearing," "Iraq snapshot" and "Senate Armed Services Committee" -- C.I., Ava and Kat report on some of the hearings they attended in DC last week (they're reporting on three hearings, Kat says they attended at least six and maybe seven).

"Tomatoes and Bean Salad in the Kitchen," "Steven D. Green is happy with his sentence," "ACLU, Al Jazeera," "Senate hearing" and "Isaiah, Roberto Rodriguez" -- Trina's posts. Betty suggested we highlight all of them. Due to C.I.'s reporting on the Congressional hearings and also due to the Green case, Trina posted every day last week.

"Why should anyone vote for Marcy Winograd?" -- Ruth asks an important question.

"Music and don't give a dime to KPFA" -- Kat comes out strongly against KPFA (which ended up $50,000 short on Friday according to KPFA friends -- the pledge drive ended Friday).

"(Scott) Horton Who's A Whore" -- Who doesn't love Dr. Seus?

"Whoring it Sonoma State style" -- Elaine takes on self-marketed cheese cake.

"Medium" and "Medium, Third, Isaiah, more" -- Betty and Mike weigh in on Medium.

"Karl 'n Cuffs" and "Downing Street Memo" -- Two because we forgot him last week. Our apologies. Isaiah is posting his comics at his own site. He's putting tags on them and doing one a week in the hopes that it will make it easier if we need to search for something. (We're all very bad about calling him and asking him when such and such ran? When he doesn't know, we call C.I.? We appreciate the website and only wish that it were already up to 2008.) Our apologies for forgetting him last Sunday. C.I. caught it and Ty states readers Myra, Dean and Louann e-mailed to point it out as well.