Sunday, May 17, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

Bette Davis

"Steven D. Green's Defense Team Suffers Setback" -- The most requested highlight. This is C.I.'s Friday morning post. The backstory on this is that Gina asked C.I. during the roundtable (Thursday night) for the gina & krista round-robin (goes out Friday mornings) what happens Friday morning (at The Common Ills) if Evan Bright doesn't post on Thursday's hearing? C.I. replied something will be found to cover Abeer and not to worry. Community members know that story because they read the roundtable. Kat picks up with Friday morning when C.I. was writing the morning entries (both are written at the same time, if one goes up more than five minutes later than the other, C.I.'s dictated the second entry). At one point, on a landline and one cell phone, C.I.'s other cell started ringing. Kat answers and it's a cable news producer saying there's nothing on the Green trial anywhere except the AP report and so pitches another Iraq related topic. Kat passes that on and C.I. says, "I've got court documents I still haven't looked at." And that's how we got the Friday morning entry. So that's your back story to the entry readers of this site picked as the best. And that's also your answer as to why C.I. broke the news and not AP: C.I. was reviewing the court documents. As Trina pointed out ("Steven D. Green convicted of his War Crimes"), C.I. does pour over those court documents and does report on them.

"Iraq snapshot" & "Iraq snapshot" and "Dreams and the House Veterans Committee" & "Senate Armed Services Committee" -- C.I. and Kat report on two Congressional hearings last week.

"Reporting on the Congress" -- to really appreciate C.I. and Kat's work, read this post by Trina.

"Yes, America, Barack is his own trophy wife," "Dennis Loo and other things" and "World Can't Wait, Third" -- Elaine and Mike write about last weekend's writing edition of Third and the problems that ensued. Problems this week too. Nothing is working out. No one's arguing but nothing is working out. Well, one thing. Ava and C.I. review Sit Down, Shut Up and that was great. But things are so bad right now in terms of whether there will be an edition or not, that Jim's just asked them to write a second piece on TV. Which they're supposedly five minutes away from being done with. Hopefully Jim will not then ask for a third piece from them. But this is one of those weekends when nothing goes right. (And, it should be noted that Jim is working this entire edition despite being sick.) We were told to go work on this and then, if we wanted, we could bail.

"Barack's latest lies" and "THIS JUST IN! BARACK STABS AGAIN!" -- Barack lies so much it's hard to keep track. Cedric and Wally cover his cave on Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

"Dreams, Daily Howler," "dreams," "Dreams and realities," "Dreams and the House Veterans Committee," "Romantic dreams," "Nightmares," "The embarrassing Barack and Coward Zinn" and "Dreams, Debra Sweet" -- Last week, we had a theme post.

"Beans and Mac in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers a simple recipe via a reader.

"They should be ashamed of themselves," "like daughter, like dork," "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric streams live," "What's the Whore Melissa Lacewell Harris doing?," "Coward Zinn, Paul Street, Pancake Naomi," "No sympathy, sorry" "Matt Rothschild awakes from his wet dream" and "THIS JUST IN! MATTY ROTHSCHILD HAS STRUCK OUT!" -- some media critiques from around the community.

"Don't Look Back" -- Stan's Friday movie post.