Sunday, April 19, 2009

Editorial: Media Whores and Medea Whore

We truly try to avoid the attention seeking behaviors of Medea Benjamin who (along with Jodie) has turned a once strong organization into CODESTINK. We truly do. But she's so desperate for attention, it's near impossible.

We're going through the inboxes and see she's sent out an mini-opus on her latest 'brush with fame.' Seems Medea, the Foundation Queen and don't we all know about foundations and their actual links, decided to play reporter and show up at a press conference Barack was holding. He brushed her aside but she managed to tease it out. That's not surprising. She's an Attention Whore. And she lacks the talent to be a performer and the looks to be a model so what's left but town crank?

"The only way we will force Obama and Congress to change course in Afghanistan is if we are able to turn public opinion against this war, as we did in the case of the Iraq war," huffs Medea.

What has she been smoking?

Does that idiot actually want to stand by that?

She's saying that if 'we' (somehow she's never the one to do the grunt work, is she?) turn public opinion against the Afghanistan War, Barack and Congress will be forced to end the Afghanistan War "as we did in the case of the Iraq war." Notice that the chicken shit can't even make it "Iraq War." That's how little it means to her. What a pathetic closet case.

Medea, you make it so easy to hate you and we honestly don't until we hear from you and then the waves of repulsion start rolling all over again.

The Iraq War hasn't ended you fool. Do you grasp that? You're telling people to do what they did on Iraq -- not what you did because you dropped Iraq in the summer of 2006 -- and the Afghanistan War will be stopped . . . when the Iraq War continues.

What an idiot.

What a damn fool.

The Iraq War may end at the end of 2011 (more likely it will continue but Barack will tell people it's only 30,000 troops and what does it matter -- it matters to 30,000 US families and it matters to Iraqis). It may not. It sure is sweet of the supposed 'anti-war' 'leaders' to 'moveon' to other topics and allow Barack to do whatever the hell he wants.

Barack's 'promise' is nothing but the Status Of Forces Agreement. The one Bully Boy Bush, Condi Rice and John Bolton strong armed Iraq into taking.

So if Medea's fine and dandy with the dates of the SOFA, she ought to be fingering herself and calling out "George W.! George W.!" over and over.

Nothing changed (but the SOFA can be changed). So Barack presents Bully Boy's plan -- the same plan -- and suddenly it's acceptable? In what damn world?

That should scare the hell out of you regardless of which issue you rank as the most important.

Barack presents Bully Boy's plan on Afghanistan (and Pakistan) and it's acceptable?

Barack presents Bully Boy's plan on (destroying) Social Security and it's acceptable?

Barack presents Bully Boy's plan on war on Africa (it's coming) and it's acceptable?

This weekend, we learned the latest about Kristoffer Walker. He took a stand and found himself standing alone. He called out the Iraq War as illegal and immoral. He stated he wasn't going back. And where was CODESTINK? Where were any of the organizations? Kristoffer was left to stand alone.

He had no support from anyone. Not even from Courage to Resist despite the fact that (a) Kristoffer was demonstrating courage and (b) Kristoffer was resisting. A US soldier home on leave chooses to publicly resist and did you notice how quickly all our 'peace' orgs suddenly started humming, shuffling their feet and averting their eyes?

It was disgusting.

And, sadly, no surprise at all.

We have a lot of Media Whores desperate to get press on themselves. We have very few genuine leaders. One gets the idea that Medea and the rest are okay with the Iraq War lasting well into 2016 as long as they keep getting clippings for their scrapbooks.

Andre Shepherd

If you're not getting how pathetic it is, we've noted war resister Andre Shepherd here and he's been noted community wide repeatedly. For the first time in months, he has actual coverage and . . .

it comes from the BBC.

But, hey, Medea got close to Barack and isn't that what really matters?