Sunday, March 22, 2009

The dog (still not picked out) ate his homework

When you think it can't get any worse, it does. From the White House website:



Weekly Address: President Obama to Focus on Budget Priorities Next Week

IIn his weekly address, President Barack Obama announced that in the coming week, he will highlight the core principles of his budget: cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term and making investments in long-delayed priorities like energy independence, education and health care reform.

"IIn" is their typo, not ours (before anyone e-mails to complain). So Barack gave his weekly address Saturday and his point was he will "focus on budget priorities next week"?


In the midst of an economic crisis, following a week where the celebrity president sat on the couch across from Jay Leno, Barack wanted to reassure America that, next week, he will be focused?

It all sounds like yet another excuse as to why he didn't turn in his homework. We can't wait hear this week's excuse.