Sunday, February 22, 2009

Small change turns to no change

White House emblem

File it under "Small change turns to no change" or "Brother, can you give a damn?" Friday, at the White House, the press confronted spokesmodel Robert Gibbs on the behind-closed-doors secrecy regarding the Attorney General's upcoming visit to Guantanamo:

CNN Ed Henry: Let me follow up. The first week in office the President signed the executive order to close down the military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. The Attorney General is going on Monday for the first time to get a close look at it. This is a very serious issue. The American people want to know about where are these detainees going to go. And my understanding is the Attorney General is not bringing any media, it's completely closed press. How does that square with the President's vows that we've talked about on transparency? When the American people are wondering how is this policy going to be implemented, the chief law enforcement officer is basically operating in secrecy.

MR. GIBBS: I don't think the chief law enforcement officer is operating in secrecy --

CNN Ed Henry: Well, why isn't he bringing in a camera?

MR. GIBBS: Well, I think what this administration is working to do, per the executive order, is to come up with a plan that ensures our security and does so in a way that meets the test of our values and protecting the men and women that keep this country free and safe. I don't think you have to do all of that through a photo op. I think this is a working trip; that this is -- a very serious number of decisions lay in front of this government, and it's important for -- whether it's the counsel here or the Attorney General or any other member of this administration working to find some of those very tough solutions -- to be able to do so not as a photo op, but as something that's --

CNN Ed Henry: Well, the question is -- it doesn't have to be a photo op if he doesn't want it to be a photo op. If he wants it to be substantive, why not let the American people in on these deliberations?

MR. GIBBS: Well, we are letting the American people in on these deliberations. That's why there's a review process that's -- that's ongoing. I think the Attorney General feels comfortable that he can make those decisions without cable.


ABC News Jake Tapper: A quick follow-up on Ed's question on the trip to Guantanamo. Can you just give us any sort of timeline for the decision about Guantanamo? You have Greg Craig there now, Eric Holder going down there next week. Is there any sort of timeline you have for the decision and when --

MR. GIBBS: I thought the -- I'll go back and check the executive order. I thought the whole process was 180 days, but I will -- I'll go back and --

ABC News Jake Tapper: This is on the 180th day, an announcement will be made?

MR. GIBBS: No, no, no -- I assume when they get done and have made those decisions. I think obviously we're in probably the 20-some-odd day. So I don't expect -- I don't -- certainly don't have any announcements today, but as we obviously get closer and make those determinations, we'll have them for you.

No change. New Bully Boy under a different name.