Sunday, February 08, 2009


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- Most requested. C.I. didn't think so. Thought the topic would put a number of people off. Elaine says the watering down of AFSC is akin to the watering down of Quaker beliefs and practices. Regardless, it's a powerful entry.

"Sauerkraut and weinies in the Kitchen" -- Kat asked Trina Friday if she ever got tired of covering the economy? "All the time" was the response. But she sticks with it. And, as usual, Trina finds a detail that others miss. The recall on some peanut butter products effects households, effects retail, effects the economy. If the FDA was properly funded, things could be discovered (via real inspections) prior to the problem. In health care, they say prevention is cheaper than a cure. But they never seem to follow that when it comes to the economy.

"Washington Week" -- Betty covers the PBS gas baggery surpreme and does a solid job. Well done, Betty.

"Matt Lauer, Diane Silver and other idiots" -- While Betty elected to cover PBS, Marcia chose to cover network TV and the bald and boring Matt Lauer.

"Kat's Korner: Springsteen's serving up a dud" -- Kat's latest review went up last night and we love it!

"Sweet and high at the break of dawn" -- Kat's talking about the new Tracy Chapman CD and we can tell you that you don't want to miss her review of the album. It's really something. It goes up today at The Common Ills.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Greedy Pig" -- Isaiah takes on Tommy Daschle. Tom, this was a gift, be sure to declare it on your 2009 taxes!

"The tax cheating duo" and "THIS JUST IN! WHITE MEN CAN'T PAY TAXES!" -- Cedric and Wally on the 'standard' that Barack nominees not pay taxes.

"green party news" -- Rebecca serves up some Green Party news.

"Iraq" -- Ruth updates on the topic of Iraq.

"The Cheap Detective" -- Stan's Friday night movie post.

"Movieline, Premiere," "interview," "Dynamite," "Lionel Richie, Billy Corgan, and more," "off our backs," "Clamor," "The Progressive" and "International Socialist Review" -- Wednesday night's theme was magazines and a wide selection was offered.

"Alegre goes to her first feminist sell-out conference" -- Second most requested highlight by readers of this site.

"Theremin" -- Marcia gives you your book notes! :D

"Daschle, Iraqi women" -- Elaine weighs in on Daschle and on the pathologizing of gender.

"Dennis Loo and this week's Dumb Ass pick" -- Mike awards the Dumb Ass of the week to a very deserving fellow. (Read to find out who.)

"Hank is backdoor company" -- "THIS JUST IN! WHITE HOUSE WELCOMES WAR CRIMINAL!" -- Barack brings Henry Killer Kissinger back into the federal government.