Sunday, February 08, 2009

Editorial: Barack backs off Iraq, the Cult showers him with love

Last week, McClatchy's Nancy A. Youssef reported, "Obama is likely to announce his strategy for Iraq by mid-March, a senior administration official told McClatchy." That was actually news but it passed Youssef (and others) right by.

Look, we try to avoid listening to him as often possible. Barack Obama speaking -- despite all the false praise -- is like a first-time driver trying to handle a stick. Translation, a lot of lurching, sudden stops and pauses. Uh. Uh. Uh. As he would say.

But even with that reluctance, we still grasp that announcing something in mid-March is far from what Barack campaigned on.

At his campaign site, it still lists his "three facts" on Iraq and first listed? "Immediately upon taking office, Obama will give his Secretary of Defense and military commanders a new mission in Iraq: successfully ending the war. The removal of our troops will be responsible and phased."

Mid-March is what Nancy Youssef's told. "Immediately upon taking office" is what Barack promised.

January 21st, Barack Obama was sworn in as the President of the United States. That would have been "taking office." "Immediately" would have meant starting that 16-month drawdown (of "combat" troops only) January 21st.

It's not genetic modification, it's rather simple and, even with Barack's fractured speaking, rather clear.

But search in vain for anyone pointing that reality out.


We must all live in our lives in service of the Christ-child, apparently. It was suggested that possibly Tom Hayden might call Barack out but not only does Hayden require four months to get 'up to speed,' Valentine's Day is Saturday and what's a Tom-Tom to do, stay home alone just because he breaks up with his Valentine?

Throughout the primaries Electro-Loather and DynaBore -- aka Laura Flanders and Tom Hayden -- ran interference for Barack while insisting that they would hold his feet to the fire . . . some day! Some day never came.

Which explains why, despite Barack calling it a 'fact' that 'immediately upon taking office,' he would implement his plan, all this time later he's still done nothing and his Cult refuses to call him out.