Sunday, December 14, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- C.I.'s Thursday night entry and the most requested highlight by readers of this site. If revenge is best served cold, what about vindication? Wally says vindication must be a piping hot plate and certainly C.I. could have been forgiven for typing nothing in this entry other than "Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!" That didn't happen (not even one "I told you so!"). Doesn't change the fact that -- pay attention, Patty Cockburn -- as usual, one person led and others played dumb and/or silent. Same one who's been leading since 2004. Suck on it, Patrick, suck on it hard.

"Bacon & Tomato Soup in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers an easy recipe (so easy, Kat says, Jim has made it!) and she continues to address the economy.

"The entitlement kids (Barack and Caroline)" and "Princess Brat" -- Betty managed two blog posts last week. ("I wanted so much more, there's just not time," she says.) Her focus may remain the entitlement twins for awhile.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Princess Brat" -- Isaiah's very popular comic from last week and for backstory see Elaine's "Isaiah, Katha Pollitt, etc. "

"yeah, we saw it coming" -- Rebecca's never shy about saying "I told you so!" (She says she needs to -- "like Grace on Will & Grace" -- come up with a little dance to go with it.) And if you're on the left and feeling a little dismayed these days, golly, who's surprised? No one should be. Which is also kind of the point of . . .

"The cowboy way" & "THIS JUST IN! BARACK IS THE MIRROR IMAGE!" -- Cedric and Wally's joint-post about how similar to Bully Boy Barack is. Cedric also gives a nod to Rejina Spektor's "Time Is All Around" which is a new track he and Wally have been listening to. "We were tired and struggling. Wally said, 'Call you back in five, go blast Regina.' So we both did that and found the energy to finish." And Wally just reminded that one of C.I.'s NPR friends is in freak out mode (we'll get to it, to steal from Ava and C.I.) so let's note for those who do not know Regina Spektor's work that clicking here takes you to some NPR sessions she did in July.

"NPR cancels two shows" -- Ruth's entry on NPR's decision to cancel two shows as part of their cut back efforts. That's what has C.I.'s friend in a panic. So we'll toss out the link to Regina Spektor for that reason.

"Barbra Streisand, Margaret Kimberley" -- Marcia writing about one of her favorite Barbra Streisand songs ("And making me love that one all over again," says Rebecca on the verge of singing it) s well as highlighting Margaret Kimberley.

"Wanted, Love Guru" -- We love Stan's Friday movie posts. He doesn't believe us because he was on the planned study break of a date (they have a class together) and used his time to blog "real quickly". Well it's a great post. We love it and look forward to hearing what he thought about the two DVDs they rented. As for the title, no, Stan didn't realize it read like: "Wanted: Love Guru." :D Those were the two films he was writing about Friday.

"Aimee Mann, Alexander Cockburn" -- Jim asked that this post by Elaine be highlighted and asked that we note he agrees with her that comparing any and every woman to Lady MacBeth is not only overdone, it's the sign of a tired columnist.

"Jesse Junior bare ass nekid!" & "Barack Blagojevich" -- Mike covering Chicago politics as usual.

"Tonight's The Night" and "Back then" -- Kat's Bookends (in the Simon & Garfunkel sense of the term). Great posts.

"it's like 2002 in replay" -- Rebecca explains how the Cult Remains The Same.

"Sexist Sarah at Corrente" -- Ruth's post. She and Marcia were both ticked off by Sarah at Corrente's latest attack on Sarah Palin which includes calling the sitting governor a "sexpot." For the record, we address this nonsense in a feature article this week.

"Kenny Hearts Barack" & "THIS JUST IN! KENNY STANDS BY HIS MAN!" -- Cedric and Wally give media critique.

"Chicago trash" -- Marcia letting it rip.

"Films on sick-out day" -- Stan took part in the sick-out last week and, sidebar, like a number of us, Stan's getting damn tired of one blogger (non-community site) who continues to attack LGBT rights and activities.

"Independent media, Maureen Dowd captured" -- Elaine offers her thoughts on the broken state of 'independent' media.

"Chuck, Diane Bukowski arrested" -- To clarify, Mike's noting Diane Bukowski's being arrested and explaining last week's Chuck.