Sunday, December 07, 2008


But, from its first steps, the trip has been one of a people-to-government mission. The trip was made possible by an invitation of president Ahmadinejad, an invitation solicited by Code Pink in a September meeting between Ahmadinejad and a group of American peace activists. Having arrived in Iran, at least from their own reports (available on their blog), it seems that most of the people they are meeting are government people, or people whom the government has arranged for them to meet.
Another shortcoming is this: how about bringing some news of solidarity and hope to the people who most deserve and need it, those who are persecuted by the Iranian government? That would be a real people-to-people (social activist-to-social activist, that is) meeting of minds. Thousands of political prisoners languish in Iranian prisons without having committed any crime whatsoever, other than holding certain political beliefs at variance with the theocratic setup. The only reason they are in prison is related to those ideas; i.e., for activities such as speaking up against injustices practiced routinely in Iran. Does Code Pink, or any other U.S. leftists, feel any obligation to reach out to these people?
Code Pink has created a situation in which they are going along with a policy of no-arguments with a theocratic dictatorship, no criticisms and no explanations asked. It's an odious form of 'Don't ask, don't tell'.

Reza Fiyouzat nails willing dupes/puppets beautifully in "Code Pink in Iran" (Dissident Voice). The above was one of two truests nominations for Fiyouzat; however, it was noted that Jodie Evans replied to Fiyouzat's article.

Jodie, the Saint of Community Property, climbs up on the cross. The sainted one is in bold, we reply in regular type.

Reza, we did meet with many of the women who had been in jail and heard more of the horrors we had already known about.

Many? If you were told of horrors, we'd think you'd have a number, Jodie. Horror stories would need to be documented and passed on to human rights organizations like Amnesty so, again, we'd assume you could offer some specific numbers here. (We don't think she met with any.)

I had taken a previous trip where I met mostly with reformists and those who had spent many years in prison.

Reza was writing of your current trip. No one's interested in your credits, Jodie. What have you done lately?

Tho object of this trip was to create more opportunity for citizen diplomacy.

Then you would need to be meeting with -- pay attention, Jodie -- citizens. Not members of governments. You'd need to meet with the very people Reza said you should.

An important tool for change. This trip was to listen to many conversations from as many sectors of Iran as we could on a Gov't visa….one of the few ever issued.

Oh, how amazing, "one of the few ever issued." Generally, those sort of exceptions come with strings and dictates attached. Why don't you write about that aspect? If only to assure that there were none, we can't believe you refused to address that.

Of course Iran is under a repressive fundamentalist regime, we don’t need to meet with people to know how horrific that is. We have enough people we meet in the states who have told us those stories. The idea was to create more opportunities for connection.

With the government?

And with the ruling regime that needs to be done delicately.

Appears so.

Medea and I had both been denied a visa for just the reason you stated, we asked too many questions and confront the powers that be. So to even be allowed to enter was a success.

The Laverne and Shirley of the peace movement have been denied a visa for asking tough questions? Ha. But, here's the thing, Jodie. A number of us know the rude things Medea said when a woman from the Bay Area passed away in Iraq. How is what that woman was doing (which Medea attacked her for) different from what you and Medea are doing?

To say that CODEPINK is supportive of Obama is a misreading, while in Iran I was quoted in Politico about the Hillary Clinton appointment. One of the few people on the left to be speaking out.

Jodie, with the above you ensured that the ill-will towards your alleged peace group will harden. Lying in public? You personally contributed to Barack's run, you have attempted to establish a relationship with him and you used CODEPINK in so many ways to ensure his 'victory' in the Democratic Party primary. We are aware of that. Go lie elsewhere.

As for being "one fo the few people on the left to be speaking out" -- lying from the cross you climbed up on. You truly are a sick piece of work and a damn long way from the Jerry Brown presidential campaign. If the rumors are true that you've got to watch your money closely for the near future, we're overjoyed.

The suppression of rights, especially those of women, the horrific death penalty, the fundamentalist responses to life by the ruling regime of Iran are obviously something we would like to affect.

Again, Medea attacked a woman who died in Iraq -- after the woman's death -- and the woman's motives were very similar to the ones you give for "we". Is Medea planning to issue a public retraction of her previous verbal attack?

We met with many who are doing what they can within Iran. But they asked that it be from within that change happens. What we can do as Americans is create change within our own country and government, which is what was requested from us at every meeting.

Gee, Jodie, then why the hell don't you stop visiting Iran? Why don't you stop meddling? Why don't you stop putting these alleged citizens at risk -- the ones you claim to have met with?

We must work from where we are and from where we have the most leverage.

Working "from where we are" might require you to ask, "Where am I?"

Think on it.

There is much work to do.

Our goal is peace,

Maybe once upon a time. On kind days, we can think that. But the reality is all CODEPINK is now is your vanity trip. What did you do to end the illegal war in Iraq lately?

Oh, that's right. Just like CODEPINK let it fall off the radar in the summer of 2006 to grasshop over to Lebanon and then couldn't talk about anything else well through the fall of 2006, there's not much being done on Iraq now, is there?

You think those public outbursts at hearings -- one a Congressional hearing! -- accomplish anything? They're only ticking off former supporters (members of Congress). Instead of globe trotting and thinking you're the Red Cross, you might try picking one cause to focus on and we'd urge that to be the ACTUAL ONGOING ILLEGAL WAR. Until then, don't pretend your goal is peace.

And people are urged to read paola on the thread. Had we, we wouldn't have wasted so much time explaining Jodie's lies above, we would have just quoted him or her. Paola, we thank you for getting the truth out there. Wonderfully done.