Sunday, October 19, 2008

Movie quotes

Trivia? Below are lines from ten films. Test your knowledge. After the ten quotes, before the answers, there is a listing of the ten films.

1) "It didn't stop. It didn't stop."

2) "Baby, you take yourself out of the game. You start talking about puppy dogs and ice cream, of course it's gonna be on the friend tip."

3) "It's a pro-acid, ex-felon, kind of nonsmoking house."

4) "I mean, let's face it, your mom was no Sharon Stone."

5) "No. I never loved you, Walter. Not you, or anybody else. I'm rotten to the heart. I used you, just as you said. That's all you ever meant to me -- until a minute ago."

6) "Put. The candle. Back."

7) "They'd put you in jail, eh? Well, historically, you'd be in very good company. That's what my husband used to say when we were in the French Underground dealing with the Gestapo. Would you like to do a little raking?"

8) "Please, let me talk to you. Let me explain what's been going on. I can't stay too long here. They'll be coming, looking for me. Dr Hill? Dr Hill, there's a plot -- I know that sounds crazy. You're probably thinking, 'This girl has flipped.' But I haven't flipped, Dr Hill, I swear, by all the saints. There are plots against people, aren't there?"

9) "I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me - whatever is left of me - whatever I am - I'm yours."

10) "I'll know you've lied to me . . . all along. I'll know you're incapable of love. That'll help me -- not now, but eventually."

For those who need a cheat sheet, the films above are Shampoo, Scream, Suddenly, Double Indemnity, Casino Royale, Flirting With Disaster, Swingers, Rosemary's Baby, Young Frankenstein and Harold & Maude.


1) Frank Sinatra, Suddenly.

2) Vince Vaughn, Swingers.

3) Tea Leoni, Flirting With Disaster.

4) Matthew Lillard, Scream.

5) Barbara Stanwyck, Double Indemnity.

6) -- either Gene Wilder or Terri Garr is acceptable, Young Frankenstein.

7) Ruth Gordon, Harold & Maude.

8) Mia Farrow, Rosemary's Baby.

9) Daniel Craig, Casino Royale.

10) Goldie Hawn, Shampoo.