Sunday, August 03, 2008

Workin' it for Sister Baracka

At NOW's national convention last month, the organization's president brought 'greetings' from Sister Baracka who apparently has been imprisoned for the brave Obama battle to ensure 'liberty' for all women and 'sweeties' who aren't 'feeling blue' and whose 'claws' have not come out. [See "Sister Barack's cool reception,""THIS JUST IN! SISTER BARACK BOMBS!" and "Iraq snapshot".]

No surprise, it did not go over well with those assembled.

Apparently Kim will have to double up on her efforts to betray feminism in order to throw support to Sister Baracka.

In an exclusive call from Corporatist Country Club Prison (aka "The Mansion That Tony Rezko Made Possible"), Sister Baracka stated, "All the sweeties need to join my struggle. There's nothing in it for them. But Free Sister Baracka! I am not permitted to have shoestrings or razor blades, although I am not considered an escape risk! I am allowed to eat breakfast but either on the floor, on the toilet or at a formal dining table with my friends from Wal-Mart. I am in a prison of my own making and I invite you girls to join me because what is freedom really? Free Sister Baracka! Until I'm free, I can't launch more attacks on women and on abortion rights! Or at least not as many attacks as I'd like to!"

Go on, girl, tell it like it is!

Poor Kim, it should have been an easy sell. After all she was just speaking to . . . women. How much do they know? Just because they saw rampant, non-stop sexism, that didn't mean Kim couldn't shill and get them on board with Sister Baracka, right?

The mistake Kim made was in underestimating how strong women are.

Across the country, women are showing their strength and, sadly, it's a strength missing in the leadership.

Leadership thought they could sell feminists out by addressing 'sexism' against Michelle Obama. Now 'sexism' isn't very important to non-feminists, so to get in good with the Boys, the gals in leadership tacked on 'racism.'

And where did it get them?

First off, MoveOn -- that greaty lefty! -- took part in action where their spokesperson was Nas -- infamous for such ditties as "Pu**y Kills." As if that slap in the face wasn't enough, VIBE decided last week to flat out lie about feminists. [See "Martha tells VIBE to f**k the hell off," "nader, womencount pac and idiot at vibe" and "I Hate The War."]

There is nothing you will ever do that will appease the thugs in Barack's Cult. Wise up.

For the record, this site contacted VIBE by e-mail and Jim spoke to them on the phone last week. VIBE states they aren't interested in correcting their lies about feminists.

'Leaders,' you done been played.

And after staying silent on Ludacris last week.

Yeah, Ludacris.

From C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" last Thursday:

January 16, 2007 Barack Obama declared his intention to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. Interesting. Before Barack told the American people he was running, months before, he met with a rapper. Deanne Bellandi (Chicago Sun-Times) reported November 29, 2006 on Barack's meet up with "rapper Ludacris . . . Obama declined to comment after their meeting but walked with [Chris] Bridges [Ludacris' legal name] to the elevator as he left." Nearly two months before Barack would tell the American people that he had decided to run for president, he was sounding out Ludacris. By that time Ludacris was already gutter trash with a long history of misogny. It got him kicked from the Jackson County Fair in 2003 -- three years prior to Barack's first known 'counseling' with Ludacris. That wouldn't stop Barack from praising him to Rolling Stone and bragging that he had Ludacris on his iPod. Presumably the feminist manifesto "Move Bitch"? Ludacris is in the news and a complete reflection on the gutter trash campaign Barack has run. And Barack's praised him as among the "great talents and great businessmen." [See Cedric's "Gutter Trash you can smell" and Wally's "THIS JUST IN! THE LEADER TRIES TO CONTROL THE CULT!"] The Guardian of London has long been in the tank for Barack. They're a laugh and not real journalism. It's only on this side of the ocean that they're taken seriously. In England they're seen as the party organ for the Labour Party. So let's see how they lie. Ewen MacAskill 'informs' that: "Obama, seeking to become the first African-American president, was not helped by a song by the Grammy award-winning rapper Ludacris endorsing him and abusing McCain, George Bush and Clinton." To be clear, Rev. Jesse Jackson is disrespected in the song. In a rap song, that's not surprising. In one attempting to help out Ludacris' lover-man Barack, it's appalling. Way to pimp that 'unity.' The remark about John McCain would have people screaming if anyone had said it about Barack. But what does Ewen Pig leave out? Hillary.
Laura Yao (Washington Post) explained it this way, "On YouTube yesterday, rapper Ludacris released a song called 'Politics,' in which he denigrates President Bush, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) -- all in the space of about two minutes. . . In the next line, the three-time Grammy Award winner calls Clinton an 'irreleveant [slur for female]'." It's a campaign song for Barack and it's recorded by the man Barack's not only praised but sought out for 'counsel' since November 2006. What was Barack's response? As usual NOT A DAMN WORD. His campaign flack was sent out. A detail Foon Rhee (Boston Globe) and many others fail to grasp. Barack's not condemned a thing. Feminist Wire Daily finally decides they can call out sexism. Of course, they fail to connect it to Bernie Mac's sexist routine at Barack's campaign event earlier this year which led to boos and heckling -- and to Barack finding it so delightful, he had to 'joke' too. WomenCount PAC (which FWD doesn't even think to link to) "is calling for an apology as well as a blanket condemnation by the Party leadership. . . . These lyrics are outrageous, offensive, and unacceptable. In an e-mail this afternoon to its membership, WomenCount states, 'It is another example of hateful, sexist language being used on the campaign trail, and now is our moment to make it clear: not on our watch! The leadership of both parties must step up to condemn such hateful speech and demand apologies. The Obama campaign has criticized the lyrics, but we call on the presumptive party nominee, who is the celebrated subject of the new song, to go even further: Publicly condemn the song. Demand an apology on behalf of the targets. Now." Now? And where our the little girls of NOW? The same useless 'leadership' that could insist The New Yorker DESTROY copies of their magazine bound for overseas (while ignoring the Bernie Mac event) can't seem to say a DAMN THING. Did Kim sleep in this morning? If you're missing it, check the news coverage and note how ha-ha and 'minor' this is being treated. CBS News online? Could Scott Conroy explain how calling Hillary a "bitch" doesn't strike him as "harsh"? Are our 'leaders' going to stay silent again? Are they going to betray women again? And when does CBS plan to public respond to what they allowed online? As Ava and I noted in "CBS 'cares' enough to promote sexism," the network's news site shut down comments on Barack stories when they felt racist comments were being left ("too many" was actually how it was worded -- apparently CBS will accept an undefined number of racist comments) but they didn't do a damn thing about the sexism and, in fact, their online policy does not even name sexism as being off limits. It does name comparisons to Hitler off limits (no surprise after CBS' problems with the mini-series earlier this decade) but they waived that rule repeatedly to allow Barack's gutter trash to post that Hillary was Hitler. Feminist leaders, if they're really leaders, will get off their asses and call this out because we don't need you as leaders if you don't. Women have been trashed -- this isn't just about Hillary -- non-stop for months now. Leaders either show they can lead or face the threats of boycotts that are already rumbling in the grassroots. (If a boycott is called, Ava and I will do our part to get the word out on it when we speak to women's groups.)

A sorry item from Feminist Wire Daily that didn't even link to WomenCount and silence from NOW?

In the real world, women and men appalled by the sexism have created their own leadership and organizations because the feminist 'leaders' are FAILING. Among the groups saying sexism is not acceptable are The Denver Group, PUMA and Just Say No Deal. If you're having trouble grasping just how powerful those three groups are, keep in mind that Feminst Wire Daily is TOO AFRAID to even mention these groups.

While established 'leadership' gets played over and over (and acts like they like it), others are loudly calling out sexism. Start visiting some of the sites and you'll see women are really starting to notice how SILENT our 'leadership' has been and how we can't count on Feminist Majority Foundation or NOW to stand up for women.

'Leadership' that can't get with the grassroots are make themselves useless. Repeatedly for nearly three months now, C.I. has explained to women's groups (when someone brought up the idea of boycotting NOW and Feminist Majoirty Foundation) the downside of such a boycott. The downside matters less and less when they refuse to stand up for feminism. If a boycott is called (and women around the country are eager to call one), you better believe that C.I. and all of us on the road with C.I. will be promoting that boycott and getting the word out on it. Truth is, the boycott's already started and, if you doubt that, ask to see Ms. circulation figures for the last two months and especially focus on how many subscribers are choosing not to renew.

The real leaders today have been devising some very strong videos and reminding us all of some very strong songs by women: Linda Ronstadt's "You're No Good," the Dixie Chicks' "Not Ready To Make Nice," Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Bette Midler's "You Don't Own Me," Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made For Walking," Meredith Brook's "Bitch" and Cyndi Lauper's "Money Changes Everything" among them. Others have already suggested that Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" is the perfect song to illustrate Barack so we'll head in another direction with our suggestion: Pat Benetar.

It's a little too little

It's a little too late

I'm a little too hurt

And there's nothin' left that I've gotta say

You can cry to me baby

But there's only so much I can take

Ah, it's a little too little

It's a little too late