Sunday, July 13, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- The most requested highlight by people who e-mailed this site. Ty says Amanda noted she loved it but reminds, "You were going to talk about Yes! magazine." That was the plan Thursday evening, it changed when the a story broke.

"Facts do matter, war resistance should grasp that" -- They really do matter and C.I. asked that we note Bob Rae's "Why U.S. war resisters deserve refuge in Canada" (Toronto Star) which demonstrates that you can make the argument (and make it much more strongly) when you know the facts.

"Gumbo in the Kitchen" and "Sour grapes make for a lousy bottle of whine" -- Trina and Elaine take on the media portrayal of Debbie Downer.

"The intervention" -- Panhandle Media's resistance to Ralph Nader is so strong, they stage an intervention on Nader Road Tripper Betinna.

"Why Nader?" -- Ruth offers one important reason why.

"More lies from The Progressive and the Falluja slaughter" -- The lies just never end in Panhandle Media. Remember, they only play at journalism. Mike explains it.

"Sexism and silence" -- A warning to those being silent, if we can ever get it together enough where an edition goes smoothly, Ava and C.I. plan to break away and let the rest of us handle features while they do a major piece on just this topic. Such a piece would name names and would be pointed and on the money. Considering all the e-mails from 'victims' complaining about the Ava and C.I. 'treatment' they have received, that's your heads up, your warning.

"Barack's big dreams and ego" & "THIS JUST IN! BARACK WANTS STARDOM!" -- Keenan e-mailed to ask if Third was covering this topic (Barack's daughters on Access Hollywood)? No. And no one did except for Cedric and Wally. We're not interested in two young children and will let them have their privacy. Cedric and Wally found a way to approach it that really didn't involve the children so they covered it. (Others can cover it if they want, we're just not interested in writing about the children.)

"Iraq snapshot," "your frankenstein monster has escaped," "Barack, Hillary, Ralph, Glen Ford,"
"Hillary and Barbara stand up, Barack crawls," "Ralph Nader, Jesse Jackson, Barack, Hillary,"
"Who stood up? The woman they attacked.," "He tore apart the Democratic Party, now its families," "Jesse Jackson Jnr. has a new Daddy" and "THIS JUST IN! GUESS WHO GOT A NEW DADDY!" -- Community coverage of Barack's cave on spying.

"Barack's girlfriends rush to defend him" -- Ruth can always make you laugh.

"Robin Long, AP journalist held, White House" -- Marcia covering a wide range of topics.

"Baker and Christopher plot; Joshua Key" -- Mike covered the Baker and Christopher nonsense. He says that'll give him three highlights and we say, who cares.

"Barack whines again" & "THIS JUST IN! WHINE, WHINE, WHINE!" -- Wally and Cedric's joint-post on the Christ-child, it's always something with him.

"nicholas fonseca flaunts his ignorance" -- Rebecca takes on an Entertainment Weekly 'critic.'

"Third, Ralph Nader, Mama Mia" -- Marcia explains how sometimes people talk so much to themselves, they can't converse with others.

"The 'movement'" -- Elaine addressing that so-called 'movement.'

"Third, Nader, Kerry" -- Mike breaks down last week's edition and addresses other issues including John Kerry.

"Hirschorn, Nader and more" -- Kat with tales from the road.