Sunday, May 11, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Cathy's Turn To Blubber" -- Betty's latest chapter. She says, "I delayed Wally, Cedric and C.I.!" She intended to post Saturday morning having gone through several drafts on Friday night but she read what she wrote that morning and "destested" it. She had a promised outing with the kids and no time to start from scratch. So she waited until the afternoon to begin working again. Wally, Cedric and C.I. (who were neither surprised nor angry) wait for her to post on Saturday before their writing goes up. If you read the latest chapter, you'll realize somethings are worth waiting for.

"Roasted Red Potatoes in the Kitchen" -- Trina's cooking and we don't just mean food. Amazing post. Read it and see why.

"No division, no worries for real feminism" -- If Betty hadn't been lating in posting, this never would have been written let alone posted. On Saturdays, early, early in the morning, C.I. does the entries for The Common Ills. They go up on Saturday after whomever is the last to post in the community. (C.I. includes "The following community sites have . . ." on Saturday which allows all sites a link.) When C.I.'s plane landed, Mike (who posts Saturday's entries for C.I.) called C.I. to say nothing was up yet and Betty was writing and thought it would be at least another hour. C.I. said scrap both entries written and "I'll do two as soon as we get back to the house." Mike said, "You want to do one right now? I'll type." C.I. said, "Want to go into the e-mails?" So Mike logged into that, saw Courtney's "IMPORTANT!!!!!" e-mail and read that to C.I. Mike says, "C.I. didn't realize it was going to be so long. I was told, 'Stop me when you're tired of typing.' I was typing as fast as I can and I'm a slow typer. I might have messed up a few things but that's how this one came about." It went up late Saturday (evening on the East Coast) and had it gone up sooner in the week it might have been the most requested highlight by readers of this site. As it is, it made it to the second most requested highlight. Although . . .

"The unathorized history of The Common Ills" -- Marcia's post might have beat it. This went up Friday night and is the third most requested highlight from readers of Third. Marcia's giving the history of The Common Ills community. And naming a lot of names. She intentionally put in "unauthorized." This is a really a strong, strong history (and great post) so be sure to check it out.

"Community coverage" -- And we'll bracket that with this entry by Marcia which really is the book-end to Friday's.

"george mcgovern, start worrying about the after-life" & "Pig George McGovern" -- Rebecca and Ruth weigh in on the idiot and damaging ("and damned fool," says Ruth right now) George McGovern.

"The shoot themselves in the foot crowd" -- Rebecca loves this post by Elaine and says, "As an environmentalist, let me say Lanie's 100% correct."

"McKinney has until Friday and then I'm done" -- Friday came and went and we are done. McKinney's running for president . . . Scratch that. She's running for 5% of the vote. It's the subject of this week's editorial.

"Tuesday and lots of raids" -- Mike thought he'd cover other topics while waiting for Tuesday's primary results. And he did. But then came the Barack supporter's stunt (Mayor of Gary Indiana) of clouding Hillary's victory in Indiana by refusing to turn over the votes until after the next morning's papers had gone to print. They robbed Hillary of her winning headline and they did so intentionally. Thugs. That's all Barack has: Cult Members & Thugs.

"The 1/4 candidate" & "THIS JUST IN! BARACK STILL STRUGGLES!" -- Cedric and Wally on Barack's attempts to 'create' a coalition.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Sunset Campaign" -- Isaaiah's comic from Sunday!

"Kat's Korner: This Kind Of Art" -- And we almost Kat's review of Carly's This Kind Of Love. It went up Sunday. That seems forever ago. Be sure to read this.

"Fight for Hillary, she's fighting for us" -- Speaking of Kat, unlike the press, Kat knows Hillary's still in the race.

"gas tax holiday" & "The poll" -- Rebecca and Ruth posting Monday and see if you can spot why we pair the two up here.

"I Hate The War" -- Most requested highlight. C.I.'s Thursday night entry. When Ty told us that, C.I. grumbled, "I don't even remember what I wrote and that was a few days ago." :D

"Oh, those liars" -- Kat on the Liars, the Haters and Trash.

"Hillary, Isaiah, Third" -- Mike breaks down Third and more!

"Politics as usual from Barack" & "THIS JUST IN! BAMBI CHAFES UNDER THE RULES!" -- Wait, he's not supposed to be making backdoor deals with the Teamsters about calling off the Justice Dept if he becomes president. These rules are tricky!