Sunday, May 04, 2008

Editorial: The Unspeakable Barack Obama

"Obama Faces Test in Asserting His Own Brand of Patriotism" screams the headline to Alec MacGillis' front page story on this morning's Washington Post. You got to wonder what the hell the DNC and the super delegates supporting Bambi are thinking? The Democratic Party is in the midst of a primary to determine who their presidential candidate will be and one of the last two nominees standing has a question mark next to "patriotic." They think this bodes well for the future?

Repeating, page one of today's Post. In today's Boston Globe, Mark Sendor writes in to ask how Barack Obama can be trusted noting: "If Obama has trouble handling the petty demagoguery of Wright, who just has a big mouth, how will he handle the truly dangerous demagoguery of tyrants such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who may back up their toxic views with violence and horrific weaponry?"

At CNN, John King analyzes recent polls and finds:

• Six in 10 Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor, according to the latest CNN Opinion Research Corp. survey.
• Nearly four in 10 Americans (38 percent) have an unfavorable opinion of Obama in the latest CNN polling, up 10 percentage points from the beginning of the year.
• Half of Americans think a John McCain presidency would bring different policies than the Bush administration.
• And in a new Pew Research Center national survey, Clinton's lead among whites who didn't attend college has increased to 40 percentage points from 10 in March.

Meanwhile Barack's still trying to convince people he's not an elitist. When not insulting voters on campaign stops by propping a foot up on a table they're seated at (and flashing his crotch, we're sure John Nichols drools). And though he rarely misses a moment to insist that Jeremiah Wright is a dead issue (a point he insists upon making and remaking in interview after interview), the fact remains that when on Letterman to poke fun at himself last week, he avoided the topic.

Despite the non-stop slobbering by alleged 'journalists,' despite the non-stop smears against Hillary, Barack can't close the deal. No one's ever had an easier ride in a primary campaign and no one's ever repeatedly blown it so many times. But that's Barack, the L-O-S-E-R who will most likely drag the Democratic ticket down in November.

It really is all about him and you didn't have to catch all the coverage last week to grasp that. An article, the Today interview, his Tuesday statements about Wright, it all made clear that Barack finally broke with the man who damned the country over . . . his comments on Barack. And just think, it only took him twenty years (see Cedric & Wally's "Want an answer? Give him 20 years""THIS JUST IN! SUPERIOR JUDGEMENT?") and a personal insult to finally make a decision!

"How dare he?" was the subtext over and over. Wright said Barack was just a politician and heaven forbid anyone point out the Professional Virgin was in fact a politician of many years. It's easy to forget that fact since Barack's record is so sleight. And also because he still refuses to release his papers from when he was in the Illinois state legislature.

What about that? He claims he didn't have a full staff back then. It's all a mess, he tells the press. But isn't he the fundraiser supreme? Doesn't he have tons of money on hand? Seems like he could have used some of that to pay a few staffers to organize those records and release them, especially after he attempted to build a conspiracy around the Clintons' tax returns.

But that's Barack, holding others to a standard and expecting everyone to hold him to none. This is, after all, the candidate who's always whining about how unfair Hillary's campaign is. And his surrogates/thugs take to their keyboards to say, "She's ruining the race for the Democratic Party!"

They really mean she's risking his coronation.

If they were really concerned that either he or she could be hurt by the prolonged campaign, they'd be calling out Barack's latest comment that Hillary's "phony." You think the GOP won't run with that if she gets the nomination? "Even Barack Obama called her phony!" But his thugs only get their noses out of joint when it has to do with their lover-boy.

Barack's run a divisive campaign. He's nothing but pretty words (screw you, Betsy the Bimbo Reed). At least on top. Underneath, he's just another Chicago politician, raised to fight dirty, raised to smear. Just a new face on the Richard Daley political machine.

Hint, when your patriotism is so much in question that The Washington Post front-pages it, you're really not as electable as your thug machine works to make you appear. The bloom fell off the rose and all that's left are the Claire McCaskill's with their noses up Barack's ass swearing they smell lavender.

It's becoming obvious that the only scent wafting over Barack is failure. The only question left is how loony will the crazed White Mamas and Airy Boys of The Left go when the unspeakable starts getting spoken more loudly?