Sunday, April 06, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Tad's Lemon and Pepper Potato" -- Trina offers a recipe from a young reader and addresses healthcare.

"The unwanted return" -- Just when Betinna thought it couldn't get any worse, you-know-who's back. And with him and another fat ass in her kitchen, we fear Betinna may starve of be squashed to death.

"Jake Kovco" -- As Marcia noted in "Hillary video and comment on comments," she had to delete 31 comments from the Kovco post. Why? Mainly the use of the n-word. Somehow, some people thought that would fly? What had them so angry? Marcia (like everyone else in the community) supports and applauds Judy Kovco who fought to get the truth about her son's death. Along with the n-word, presumably Australian posters thought it was cute to refer to Marica "and your lezbo mates" -- they are apparently Goodwill Ambassadors for Australia. She also deleted attacks on community members Latrice and Keesha who had left comments. Cedric saw the same thing happen when he posted on Jake Kovco in 2006. Racist threats and insults. For the record, Marcia's feelings aren't just our feelings, they are those of the community. Those attacking Judy Kovco gotten away with a lot elsewhere. At community sites, we defend her, we applaud her. We think it's hilarious that forensic evidence implicates a fellow soldier and the widow wants to let sleeping dogs lie. We think it's hilarious that she gets sympathy while the woman who took on the government and fought for truth gets slammed. If you ever wonder how things get covered up, look no further than the widow's attitude and that of her supporters. They've repeatedly telegraphed the truth doesn't matter, let's all move on.

"PDA pretends they care about counting votes" -- they bill themselves as "Progressive Democrats for America," but they're really "Pathetic Democrats" -- read Ruth and find out why.
And we have a feature this edition that will tackle one of the most Pathetic (a tough competition, but he won).

"robert kuttner lies coz he thinks you're stupid" -- Don't go on radio and TV and attack Paul Krugman's evaluation of healthcare and then claim you supported it while you launch your latest attack on Krugman. Piece of trash Robert Kuttner tried to do just that, Rebecca called him out.

"What's to listen to?" -- Partly because Jim keeps asking her to work on these editions and partly because of this post, Ruth's not doing reports on weekends at The Common Ills. There really is very little to listen to. The only thing Ruth found to praise this past week in terms of radio programming was CounterSpin (which Ava and C.I. cover in their TV commentary this edition).

"Another pal of Obama who is creepy" -- he uses hompophobia and he hangs with homophobes. That's the 'unity' candidate Obama. Kat breaks it down here.

"Ms. magazine sits history out" -- Last week's "Quick Talk" was just that. However one issue smarted for some who felt the need to begin an e-mail campaign explaining that their tax status prevented them from covering Hillary Clinton or Cynthia McKinney. LIE. The minute that campaign started, foolish, foolish, you know everyone was e-mailing and calling Ava and C.I. Elaine covers it here. And Ms. is sitting out history. By choice. Yeah, centrist Donna Brazile doesn't want Ms. to cover Hillary. But the better question is why Donna Brazile's fat ass is even involved with Ms. She's not a feminist. ("Never buy into the stereotype that feminists are loud mouths," cautions Rebecca.) She's never been a champion of women and her 'writing' is laughable and drags the magazine down. But so do idiots who want to argue that their tax status prevents coverage. We think someone was promoted from "senior editor" to "editor" long before they were ready.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Stumbling for Maturity" -- Isaiah details who's not ready to run.

"Florida and Michigan count in the popular vote" -- Mike weighs in on Florida and Michigan as well as last week's edition here at Third.

"Randi Rhodes Exposed!" & " THIS JUST IN! RANDI RHODES EXPLAINS IT ALL!" and "Randi Rhodes expresses her inner 'beauty'" & "THIS JUST IN! NUTSO RANDI RHODES!" and "Human Trash: Randi Rhodes" & " THIS JUST IN! RANDI RHODES, ASS!" -- Cedric and Wally were all over this story in their joint-posts. C.I. picked these as among their best humor (and we're guessing that's not just of last week).

"angelica huston & patrica arquette set the bar" -- Medium (NBC) will let you watch, online, the episode Rebecca's writing about (at least for four weeks, then it may be pulled). That really was an amazing episode and, tomorrow, Roseanna Arquette joins sister Patricia for their first joint-acting work. Last hour of primetime on NBC Monday nights.

"First Read, super delegates, more" -- Elaine sets you straight on who's bringing up the issue of Jeremiah Wright (super delegates).

"THIS JUST IN! LATEST BAMBI ATTACK!" and "And now he smears children" -- Wally and Cedric tackle the Bambi campaign's response to their candidate losing a bowling match to a young girl.

"Hillary, Ralph and Cynthia" -- Kat covers three candidates.

"Patti Smith, etc" -- Mike builds on what C.I. wrote ("Other Items") and explains more about Randi Rhodes' on-air attack of Patti Smith.

"Jeremiah Wright controversy isn't going away" -- No, he isn't and Mike explains why.

"Iraq snapshot" & "Iraq snapshot" -- There were hearings on Iraq last week. Your Boiz to Blog couldn't cover them (no surprise). C.I. did the heavy lifting.

"I Hate The War" -- and the most requested for the week, C.I.'s Thursday night entry. Here, the edition is finished. As we know it, it's a mix of short and long articles. Ava and C.I. are covering comedy but working in politics. There's a media criticism piece, a piece on presidential candidates and a great deal more. The editorial's on Iraq. It's a pretty ecletic mix. While we write this, final drafts are being done by the gang on the completed pieces. We also have to narrow down Truest Statement of the Week and our feeling (those of us writing this) is that there has to be two because two people were equally worthy. There are at least two new illustrations that, Flickr willing, will be used in this edition. Also, we've seen Isaiah's comic. It's very funny. (It will go up at The Common Ills.) It'll probably be an hour after this posts before other stuff starts going up and, when it starts, it'll be nonstop except for computer delays.