Sunday, April 20, 2008

10 Questions Charlie and George could have asked

Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos are under attack from the unruly mob that backs Barack Obama for daring to ask questions. If only they'd known what they'd be facing, they could have asked some really tough questions. Here are ten they should have considered.

1) A polygamous sect in Texas has been making the news for weeks. You're fond of citing your relatives in Kenya as proof of your foreign policy "experience," so why don't you explain polygamy to the American people and emphasize exactly how many multiple wives your grandfather and your father had. As a follow up, explain to us if that woman who keeps popping up on CNN that claims to be your grandmother but has no blood relation to you was the third, fourth or fifth wife of your grandfather.

2) Your parents never married. Not legally. Your father came to this country already married to one woman in Kenya. So the question is, did your mother know that before you were born? When did you find out that, in the eyes of America, your parents were never legally married and how did that make you feel?

3) How crazy is Michelle Obama? She's stated that mentioning your middle name is a "fear bomb" and "racist." We thought your middle names was "Hussein" and not "Sambo" so we're having a hard time figuring out how it's racist. As a follow up, if your middle name is racist, were your parents being racist by naming you after your father?

4) When the sideboob photos of Michelle were getting a lot of talk, we understand the two of you had strong words. What was the non-endearment you called Oprah in that semi-public conversation and would you call her that to her face? Is it really fair to blame Oprah for a dress your wife decided to wear?

5) You privately told friends that the trip to Virgin Islands, in the middle of a campaign, was needed to repair problems in your marriage. What were those problems?

6) Your record, such as it is, shows little interest in protecting the identifies of victims of sexual assault. But exactly where do you stand on domestic abuse?

7) Though you are obviously not a very bright man, you did graduate from Harvard. Why is it that, following your graduation, you couldn't get a real job? And why is it that you ended up in Chicago anyway?

8) You've lied so many times about your relationship with Antoin "Big Tony" Rezko, it's hard to keep track. The two of you were obviously much closer than you have ever let on so why don't you take this opportunity to explain to the American people your relationship? As a follow up, explain to the American people how you, the alleged 'change' agent, could be close with a man who was a slumlord, whose own tennants lived in your district and did so without heat, air conditioning or electricity?

9) You've similarly down played your relationship with Bernardine Dorhn and Bill Ayers. How many times have you had dinner with him and how many fundraisers did they stage for you? It wasn't just once, now was it? Bill Ayers has privately written about the conversations the two of you had and noted some of your comments regarding Weather Underground's activities. Those comments did not indicate that you found their actions "detestable." Why don't you explain to the American people what you really told him?

10) What is a grown man doing calling women "sweetie"? Do you go out of your way to come off sexist? As a follow up, having used homophobia in your campaign -- putting homophobes on stage at a campaign event, doing 'gay' jokes in a debate when AIDS testing came up -- exactly why should any American trust that you give a damn about gay rights?