Sunday, February 10, 2008

Philip Roth, stuck on stupid

Speaking with Germany's Der Spiegel, author and magpie Philip Roth shares that he's supporting Barack Obama for presidnet. It isn't, however, enough to leave it there:

SPIEGEL: What made you interested in Obama?
Roth: I'm interested in the fact that he's black. I feel the race issue in this country is more important than the feminist issue. I think that the importance to blacks would be tremendous. He's an attractive man, he's smart, he happens to be tremendously articulate. His position in the Democratic Party is more or less okay with me. And I think it would be important to American blacks if he became president.

[. . .]

SPIEGEL: The discussions around Obama remind us of your figure Coleman Silk, the hero of "The Human Stain," who is black with unusually light skin and then invents a Jewish biography. What we mean is the questions of belonging, of right and wrong behavior. Is Barack Obama black enough?
Roth: I know this discussion goes on, but I think it will disappear if he gets the nomination. The reality of his running will wash that away. Anybody who's half white and half black is considered black anyway. That's one drop of blood.
SPIEGEL: For whites to consider him black, yes. But the question is whether the blacks consider him black.
Roth: They will once the election goes on. If he gets the nomination.

Philip Roth, guaranteeing that the "Ugly American" stereotype will live on in Europe. Oh for the days when he focused on masturbation.