Sunday, October 21, 2007


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"David Corn moving to Mother Jones" & "Introduction" -- Ruth has started her own site. She posted twice on Friday and the first listed is more typical of what she intends to offer. Check out the site and enjoy.

"Betinna goes to Harlem (the White section)" -- Gail Collins was going to lead Betinna to The Peace Resister Katrina vanden Heuvel. Collins demotion at the paper of no record means Betty had to juggle the outline and reassign Collins' role to new audience fave Cathy Pollitt. This is a hysterical chapter.

"The dregs" & "THIS JUST IN! THINNING OF THE HERD!" -- Cedric & Wally's take on the horse race. We'll be tackling their second subject next week. Early on (but not early enough, we'd already started pieces), Jim realized that this edition could have a theme: women. That came after reading Ava and C.I.'s hilarious TV commentary to us out loud. We were on all board and already had two features that would fit with the theme and a third planned.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Bully Poppa's True Sons" -- Isaiah's comic commenting on the 'macho' of two men ganging up together on one woman. What brave little boys they are.

"Rice Krisphy Kugel via Audrey in the Kitchen"

"Betty filling in for Rebecca" & "Cedric subbing for Kat and talking Blackwater" & "Ty, Jim & Dona filling in for Elaine" & "Wally filling in for Mike" -- We love the guest posts. If we're being filled in for, we love having a night off. If we're filling in, we love the chance to tackle something we might not normally get a chance to. The guests posts are traditionally talking posts where you just talk about whatever. Kat put a condition on Cedric that he be brief because she didn't want him to spend a great deal of time filling in for her and she didn't want her readers to start expecting lengthy posts. Other than that, it was "Write whatever." Betty probably wrote the longest post and notes that she only planned to mention the topic her post is about in passing. "But it's the sort of thing Betinna couldn't address and one of the reasons I'm always happy to fill in any chance I have."

"blog action day" -- Rebecca was the only one in the community to participate and she really laid out in a post noting the misdirection from environmental leaders and how much steam the movement has lost since the 60s.

"Law and Disorder, Naomi Wolf, Peter Brown" -- Mike covers Naomi Wolf's appeareance on Law and Disorder Monday. Or not. She was on. If you listened to WBAI which is in pledge drive mode. Hosts Heidi Boghosian, Michael Smith and Michael Ratner interviewed Wolf live during the two hour slot they filled. The hour long program for the week does not feature Wolf.

"No, the US wasn't happy about England's pullback" -- C.I. correcting media nonsense. Picked by Mike's father.

"Dennis Kucinich, Yoko Ono, etc." -- Elaine covers Dennis Kucinich and Yoko Ono and manages to find a common bridge to connect the two.

"Congressional Dems do the Cave Dance again" & "THIS JUST IN! DEMS KEEP CAVING!" -- Cedric & Wally chart The Cave Dance which apparently is the new Time Warp.