Sunday, August 26, 2007

Truest statement of the week II

Deepa Fernades: Can you just talk us through that . . . Those moments of deciding? Of realizing "Okay, I really don't have any other option but the military?" What was going through your mind? Did you actually think, "This is crazy. And what am I signing up for"?

Camilo Mejia: Not really because -- Well, first of all, I would disagree now days that there are no options. I think there are some options. I think we need to fight for more options. But young people really don't need to join the military to get themselves, you know, out of poverty and to get themselves educated. But that was my mentality, certainly that was my mentality when I joined the military.

War resister, and Iraq Veterans Against the War chair, Camilo Mejia speaking with Deepa Fernandes on WBAI's Wakeupcall Radio, Wednesday, August 22nd. A good starting point for

September 17th when IVAW will kick off Truth in Recruiting.