Sunday, August 05, 2007


This feature is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man, Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we also picked the highlights.

"Cucmber Summer Salad" -- Trina's not cooking main dishes this week? We were shocked. Mike swears she's fine and not depressed, just enjoying her (first) grandchild. She explains why in this post.

"Stunned" -- Thomas Friedman is on vacation. Betty considered having fun with that but then decided to work on advancing the plot for Betinna. This is the start of a plot point hinted at (to careful readers) but now comes the turn around.

"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth is back! She's addressing war resisters, Barack Obama and more in the way only she can. Welcome back, Ruth!

"Bad music magazines & hideous Sam Power" -- Kat's chief goal was to get a post up on Friday night because "Ava, Dona and C.I. were exhausted when we picked them up at the airport. It was obviously a very busy week on the road. I didn't want C.I. having to wait for me on Saturday morning to publish [an entry at The Common Ills -- Saturday morning C.I. links to all sites]. So as soon as we were back from the airport, I grabbed two magazines, flipped through them and wrote this." Wally and Cedric note they ended up posting Saturday night due to the fact that they were not too pleased with their post and didn't think to tell C.I. they were holding it and rewriting it.

"Robert Parry, Monica Benderman" -- we all wanted a roundtable on some of the topics in this. Dona says we can have it next week. Read it now and enjoy for Elaine's strong writing and also to know what's up for next week.

"Law & Disorder: Adam Kokesh, Camilo Mejia" -- Mike covers last week's Law and Disorder.

"THIS JUST IN! 'RECESS!' CRIES THE D.C. TODDLERS!" & "Remember, after recess comes nap time" -- Wally and Cedric's post on the need for cranky Congress members to hit the playground!

"mini-post," "all quiet on the alberto front," "still cesspool waters run deep," "movies & a little on alberto & the dems" and "impachment investigation to be launched on alberto..." -- like Rebecca our interest in the Alberto scandals plummets as Congress continues to do nothing about them. They truly are the do-nothing Congress. Strong commentary all week from Rebecca (including the post on pregancy).

"Iraq snapshot" -- we're really offended, as is C.I. in this, that the Pig Pedophile thinks he can smack down Cindy Sheehan. We're even more offended that websites such as Truthdig and Common Dreams are posting it. And we're even more offended that outside of the comments to those posts, it's pretty damn hard to find anyone calling him out. Ty said there was more e-mail requesting this than anything else this week. The reason for that is while a lot of people stayed silent, C.I. addressed it.

"Property rights discussions never seem to include the public's property" -- C.I. picked this of Kat's posts last week. We loved it too.

"Gordon Brown is the "brassiere""& "THIS JUST IN! MEET "THE BRASSIERE"!" -- Cedric and Wally explain The Poodle is gone but The Bra has just arrived.

"Iraq snapshot" -- our pick due to the fact that C.I.'s addressing the realities of treatment and how a soldier who killed himself did not get treatment from the VA.