Sunday, August 05, 2007

Editorial: Are you angry yet?

Are you angry yet?

Congress has done nothing to end the illegal war.

Alleged reporter John F. Burns can go on right-winger Hugh Hewitt's radio show and proclaim, "I think there's no doubt that those extra 30,000 American troops are making a difference." The alleged reporter can then opine that leaving Iraq will "lead to much higher, and indeed potentially cataclysmic levels of violence, beyond anything we've seen to date." Burnsie is supposed to be a reporter, not a columnist. But Burnsie's reputation, whatever was left of it, fell apart on this illegal war. Too scared to write about the resistance but he can get their help to travel safely for his laughable "At the grave of Saddam . . . piece".

Let's be real clear, John F. Burns is supposed to be a reporter for The New York Times and the guidelines of the paper allow him to state what he can see. They do not allow him to forecast the illegal war. It appears even Elisabeth Bumiller understood the guidelines better than Burnsie. (And he's not just a reporter, he's the Baghdad chief for the paper.)

Are you angry yet?

Last week, various websites were happy to run the Pedophile's attack on Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan. Various allegedly left sites were happy to run a piece by a Pedophile. How much shame and disgust is that right-winger going to be allowed to bring the left (the right kicked him to the curb) before he's sent packing? How credible do you think you look to any reader when you run the ravings of a Pedophile?

And wasn't it real cute how 'brave' voices didn't say a word in Cindy Sheehan's defense? Wasn't that sweet?

Thursday afternoon, a scolding column from a left voice (he is left) enraged a campus group. Dona said if C.I. hadn't made a joke in response to the question of "Why should we listen to him?" it would have gotten ugly. ("Well [pause] [slowly] he's still a . . . [said quickly and go up at the end] nice piece of ass.")

At least he was writing about Iraq.

But do any of them get how angry students on campus are with the useless Congress and with so many useless allegedly left outlets?

Do they get that students who are struggling to make ends meet aren't thinking, "Well forget tuition, I'm headed to DC for another rally that was just like the one before and the one before and the one before and the one before and . . ."?

Do they get, Congress or left voices, how much frustration and anger there is right now?

The Democratically controlled Congress took office in January and not a damn thing's changed.

Who's called them out? Sadly, not many activists. Has it been a party in DC all summer long?

That's how it's played outside the Beltway.

As we noted last week, an alleged peace activist wanted to justify the public slamming of war resisters by a centrist. Now the same alleged peace activist (representing for the regional branch of a national peace organization) wants to push a war that tells you the illegal war was a noble aspiration but the planning got screwed up.

Are you angry?

You should be.

Iraq didn't figure into Nancy Pelosi's 100 Days. And impeachment?

Well apparently John Conyers is now Jesus and no one must say a word against him.

They must not point out that you have to be a real chicken sh*t to repeatedly tell people (in interviews and gatherings) that you're working on impeachment (even send your wife to one meeting) while never doing anything about it in your role as committee chair.

St. Conyers. Burned at the stake with his own words.

The peace movement doesn't exist to prop up do-nothing Congressional members. It doesn't exist to be an organ for the Democratic Party. It doesn't exist to 'get the word out' on bad documentaries by War Hawks who supported the illegal war and still think the illegal war was a good idea, just planned poorly.

As yet another year goes by in the illegal war, we can look back on what's been done and see there's very little to get excited about.

Iraq Veterans Against the War and Tina Richards and Military Families Speak Out continue to fight. But we're really grasping how important Cindy Sheehan was. Sheehan still is important, but we're talking about how important she was when various groups were happy to use her. She drops out in May and damned if most of them can even figure out what to do. Here's a hint, get out of the damn Beltway. You can't speak for the people if you've removed yourself from the people.

Students are pissed off and they have a reason to be. If this is news to you, it only demonstrates how quickly you've become out of touch.

You don't know what's going on
You've been away for far too long
You can't come back and think you are still mine
You're out of touch, my baby
My poor discarded baby
I said, baby, baby, baby, you're out of time
-- "Out of Time" (written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards)