Sunday, July 01, 2007

Truest statement of the week

Did you catch it? "The good news is that they still have time to change course." Right before the Democratically controlled Congress was sworn in, the 3000 mark for US troops who had died in the illegal war had passed. Approximately 500 have died since they took office. And he thinks "The good news is that they still have time to change course." They, obviously, is Congressional Dems because the 500 US service members who have died while the Democratically controlled Congress has done nothing, obviously, do not "still have time to change course."
"The good news is that they still have time to change course."
Stop the squad, I want to get off.
I'm sure someone else will gladly grab my pom-poms.
-- C.I. commenting on independent voices, in "And the war drags on . . .," who rush off too counsel Congress instead of addressing reality.