Sunday, July 15, 2007


This feature is written by Elaine, Rebecca, Betty, Wally, Cedric and Mike and all selections are ours unless otherwise noted.

"Thomas Friedman, still in" -- Betty's latest chapter addresses Thomas Friedman's call for the end of the illegal war . . . with his usual cowardly exception.

"Broiled Zucchini in the Kitchen" -- Trina's addressing Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton & John Edwards' talk to shut out the 'non-serious candidates' and more.

"Cindy Sheehan" -- Kat explains who has her vote in a Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi match up.

"THIS JUST IN! RACISTS MOURN SENATOR CRAZY'S IMPLOS..." & "Racists loved Senator Crazy McCain" -- Wally and Cedric note the press created John McCain's public and racist record.

"John McCain explains why he's unfit to hold office..." -- Elaine's post explaining why McCain should not only not run for Congress but also step down from the Senate. He supports the invasion of Cambodia to this day.

"The Certifiable Senator Crazy" & "THIS JUST IN! IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE SENATE?" -- there was a goldmine in Senator Crazy last week. Here Cedric and Wally tackle his Senate cloakroom explosion.

"Senator Crazy presses on" & "THIS JUST IN! STILL CRAZY!" -- and more McCrazy! His campaign in shambles, McCain continues to press on . . . in support of the illegal war.

"White House Scandals" -- Kat takes a look at two of the many White House scandals swirling around these days.

"alberto's alberot," "alberot & more," "calls for a special prosecutor into gonzales," "a little gonzales" and "alberto, alberto" -- Ty passed on that Jenny e-mailed wondering whether it was hard for Rebecca to follow the Alberto Follies each day? Rebecca's reply is it's only difficult when it's a slow news day for Alberto and that's why Friday's post (first listed) is a recap of the week.

"Iraq, Third" - Jim asked that this one be noted because "Mike beat me again."

"And this is what happens when people refuse to lead" -- Marcia e-mailed requesting this "needed to be said one be noted." C.I. on what the failure of indymedia leadership has resulted in.

"And the war drags on . . ." -- Mike's dad and 17 others wanted this pick included. C.I.'s addressing the nonsense of an overly praised article in The Nation.

"War resisters and the bad press coverage" -- our pick for the best of C.I.'s entries last week.

"Hillary and John try to fix the debates" & "Hillary Clinton and John Edwards plot" -- Betty, Cedric and Rebecca's pick of Mike and Elaine's take on the news that Hillary Clinton and John Edwards don't enjoy competition or a free exchange of ideas.