Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Bwana of Baghdad

Religion & Ethics is a program that airs on many PBS stations across the nation. None of us had ever seen it before but when we got back home (Kat, Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.) it was one of the many "musts" awaiting. You must read this, you must hear this, you must watch this. The show's hosted by Bob Abernathy and airs weekly (the full title in many markets is Religion & Ethics Newsweekly).

And why was this a "must"? Canon Andrew White of the Anglican Church in Baghdad was the guest for one segment.

Though it wasn't explained in the segment, White isn't an Iraqi. He's from England. Somehow the fact that the church he presides over is now in the Green Zone also didn't get covered; however, for the record, in 2006, the church was moved into the Green Zone and that's a courtesy not offered many congregations in Iraq.

We think White's a prat and those of us who knew of him before watching the tape of Religion & Ethics (Ava and C.I.) thought he was a prat many moons again. (He has compared actions of disinvestment in Israel as well as "concern for the Palestinians" to anti-Semitism.) For instance, we've already noted he's from England (which is where his home, his wife and his children live and what he considers home) and that may be why he frequently speaks of "we" in terms of "we" didn't fight the (illegal) war correctly, "we" didn't secure the borders, et al. He's big on "we" but "we" is rarely used when speaking of Iraqis. From the program:

ABERNETHY: And when do you think American troops can come home?
Canon WHITE: If American troops were to leave now, sadly we would see an escalation of violence. We have got to see that we were part of its instigation and by overcoming the evil regime of Saddam Hussein. So we've got to be patient. We have to be willing to endure further tragedy, and the only way forward is when we see peace returning to Iraq.

He's also in and out of the Green Zone (back and forth to London and other locales) in a way that Iraqi leaders of other faiths (whether Muslim, Christian or Jew) aren't allowed. But then many spiritual leaders can't brag about being in constant contact with the State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA (he once told The Times of London that his resolution for the new year was to be more careful about what he passed on to the CIA). He's fond of taking pot shots at liberals of all stripes. (Possibly because they didn't, as he did, dine with Saddam Hussein's sons?)

We see him as the Bwana of Baghdad and, no, we don't mean that as a compliment. (As Lindsey Buckingham sings "But Bwana . . . is the visitor . . .") And we think the cover of his new book (which he's promoting) captures that perfectly (or else someone's substituted a Save the Children ad for his intended photo). Surprisingly, even in his home country of England, though the book's been out since March, it hasn't resulted in one customer review at Amazon UK. We say that says a great deal about his reach and pull (outside of US government officials, of course).

But he's plauged with an internal surge of hope which leads to ridiculous statements (usually made at excessive volumes). Case in point: "I no longer consider this the most dangerous parish in the world. That portfolio probably belongs somewhere in British suburbia." He made that howler of a claim in April 2005 -- though, in fairness it should be noted he made it after his church had moved into the heavily fortified Green Zone. The move was beneficial in other ways as well. In interviews he frequently brags about the growing membership in his Iraqi church. If pressed, he will admit that these new members are generally British troops and staff of the so-called Coalition.

If you are able to watch his interview with Abernathy, please do. You'll noted that he appears unable to modulate his voice for much of the interview. For the bulk of the interview, White is selling it like a carny barker at high volume until the issue of the (puppet) government in Iraq is raised:

ABERNETHY: And do you expect it to last?
Canon WHITE: No.
ABERNETHY: It will fall when? And what will replace it?
Canon WHITE: The reality is that there's a very high chance that the present government will cease its existence in the coming months.

But that's too much reality for the huckster who immediately is back in the "hope" mode and at top volume. For a moment, reality intrudes. For a moment even the bagman for the US government has to admit reality.

Last week, we explored the hows and noted that the question of what could be "accomplished" needs to be asked. White demonstrates that even an (illegal) Occupation Cheerleader thinks the puppet government is on its last legs. So why are US service members in Iraq? To prop up another puppet government? And after that? And after that?