Sunday, April 01, 2007


The following is written and selected (unless otherwise noted) by Rebecca, Betty, Cedric, Wally, Elaine and Mike. These are the picks for the best from the community last week.

"Kat's Korner: Holly Near Shows Up" -- Kat's latest review. It's a great review to read and it's a great CD. We all avoided saying a word about it last week even though we were all listening because we wanted to be sure Kat didn't have another reason to procrastinate.

"Ruth's Report" -- not only was Kat back on Saturday (making it just under the wire in time to have a review for March), Ruth was back as well.

"Maddison's Special Easy Bake in the Kitchen" -- a recipe for kids and Trina explains some of what she likes about Kucinich.

"If it makes me happy, why the hell is Friedman so sad?" -- why is Thomas Friedman so sad? Read the latest installment in the life of Betinna and find out.

"gonzales aide pleads the 5th" -- a very lengthy post from Rebecca. She's covering a great deal in this one and it's our personal favorite by her this week.

"The softer side of selling endless war" & "THIS JUST IN! 'SINCERITY' AND 'INTEGRITY'" --
joint post from Cedric and Wally about Hillary the War Hawk and her use of "we."

"Gordo does it in public AGAIN -- call the police" -- Iwana picked this by C.I. and wrote, "I've never asked The Third Estate Sunday Review for anything." You still haven't, Ivana, they're not writing this! :D

"Stupid Ass Sirota" -- this was picked by us and there's another highlight by Mike later on. We picked this one because Sirota thought he was Madonna doing yet another makeover and, like her faux British accent, it wasn't taking.

"Thomas Friedman Junior Division" -- Kat tackles the Party Hacks.

'NYT says "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."' -- Mike's dad picked this one. He loves Chinatown and China Syndrome.

"Dallas" -- another one by Mike and we weren't planning to do three but Dallas just asked if we needed any help with links. We said we had it covered and he asked if we could include this post by Mike. We're glad he did. We would have heard from members if we'd overlooked it. Mike's discussing visiting Dallas on our Texas trip.

"NOW members endorse Dennis Kucinich" -- NOW PAC endorsed the War Hawk Hillary Clinton. Kat and other NOW members reveal their own endorsement and why.

"I endorse Dennis Kucinich for the 2008 primary" -- Elaine's covering other things in this but she wanted to be sure the main point wasn't lost.

"this now member is endorsing kucinich" -- Rebecca steers members towards the Kat post and notes why she's endorsing Kucinch.

Kevin Zeese, Veteran Intel. Professionals for Sani... -- Rebecca argued for this post by Elaine (Elaine says any of them are better than this one, but it's late so . . .)

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Pelosi Buys the War" -- we always rush and forget Isaiah. Our apologies to Isaiah. In this one, Pelosi enlists in the War Hawk Patrol.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Non-Cake Walk Party - March 19th" -- this 4th anniversary of the illegal war comic addresses the bodycount.

"THIS JUST IN! FOR AN EXTRA $5 THEY'LL SWALLOW TOO!..." & "Bully Boy's little black book" -- Wally & Cedric explain that the MSM has a price and it's an hourly rate!