Sunday, March 04, 2007



Quickly, (Dona just saw something Ty had on the list of things to do).

We appreciate the overwhelming support of Ava and C.I.'s TV commentary last week "TV: Aftermath leaves an aftertaste" and Ty says it sets a new record for first day responses. He also notes Katie's remark that "It captures everything I fear" was echoed in other words throughout the week but Katie was first out of the gate. We're glad it spoke to many (and Ty notes that includes a large number of males -- "At least a third of the e-mails praising it were from guys.")

Second, Jason e-mailed that he's 26 and had never seen Charlie's Angels:

but I'm one of those readers who doesn't have cable. My wife and I have two kids instead and student loans. So we enjoyed the review ["TV: Looking forward . . . by looking backward?"] and checked it out. My wife wanted to point out that if they stay on schedule, Monday the Farrah Fawcett episodes will start airing. We're looking forward to that because we only saw her as a guest star on one. We also don't think they showed all the episodes from the Shelly Hack year but maybe we missed it? Second thing is Tanya Roberts. We haven't seen the first season yet, but will be watching as that starts up again, but we can't imagine any episodes worse than the ones with Julie. When we read this in Ava and C.I.'s review:

Season five is when Charlie's Angels turns itself into a joke. Before, all three lead characters were trained detectives (with police experience), in season five, Julie Rogers is added -- apparently for cup size -- to the team. On Sunday nights or Saturday nights, audiences didn't give a damn about the psudeo-empowerment of "Any idiot can be an Angel."

we thought they might be being a bit harsh. As they would say, "But then we watched." In episode after episode, former model who hasn't even spent a year on the Townsend Detective Agency was bossing everyone around. At one point, Julie was telling Kelly not only what she would do but what Kelly would do. Since Jaclyn Smith's on all the years and a former police officer, that really was irritating, especially when Kelly didn't say, "Hey, model, I know what I'm doing!" The entire Julie episodes seemed to be people wondering "What's left for us to do!" My wife says that's how they decided to turn Julie into a hypnotized assassin. Zoolander did it better! So, Friday's episode was Kelly being shot and a lot of flashbacks to old episodes with the news at the end that she would live. We're guessing that's the last show of the series and that the first season will start back up next week but they've also been interrupting it for martial arts programming.

Ava and C.I. note that "Let Our Angel Live" was the final episode of the show and that's where Kelly is shot. They also enjoy the moments, for instance, when Kris (Cheryl Ladd) remembers something happening from the first season -- a season she wasn't on. "Attack Angels" is when Julie is hypnotized to be an assassin and, if there's anything more absurd than that, it's that the front is a temp agency. They also note that Dr. Joyce Brothers should have known better than to appear in that episode. They think the episode you're talking about where Julie's bossing Kelly around is "Mr. Galaxy." Kelly and Julie are in an alley eavesdropping. For some reason, Julie begins barking orders like, "Okay, I think they're gone. I'm going to follow him. You stay here and go inside . . ." while Kelly does nothing but say "Okay." It was shocking that Kelly (or even Kris) would be taking orders from the still new Angel Julie who got her 'investigative training' at modeling school considering that every other Angel on the show had been a former police officer and a trained private investigator. Finally, they add, they're glad the review helped and don't feel bad about watching Mama's Family, sometimes there truly is nothing else on broadcast television.