Sunday, February 11, 2007

MyTV's Fascist House

This week on MyTV's Fascist House, it's all about dis-t-t-t-t-traction.


With Ehren Watada being court-martialed (this week's episodes are on a one-week delay, under Nouri al-Maliki's orders) and attention possibly coming his way, Bully Boy & Friends (which airs daily on Fox 'entertainment' television) decide to shake things up to catch the press' attention and steer it away from Watada.

Undercover CIA agents everywhere tremble as Ari Fleischer storms back into town and this time he's brought his posse! Condi's desperate to distract as well so she drops her Magnum look on the press (most stay off in the distance, but Diane Sawyer clearly approves). Bully Boy attempts to create a diversionary story by discussing his bowel movements publicly whenever possible. Good sport John McCain hops on his Showboat Express to giggle stupidly at Bully Boy's tales of stools and colon. Paul Bremer pulls back into DC bringing with him his cabaret tribute to Nathan Lane. Musical guest David Byrne gets pressed into service and tries to catch press attention by launching into screechy announcements of, "No, I am not Terry Gross! I am better looking than Terry Gross! I will punch the face of the next jerk that asks me, 'Are you Terry Gross?'!"

MyTV's Fascist House airing 365 days a year, 52 weeks. All new episodes!