Sunday, February 04, 2007


The selections were picked out by, and the feature written by, Betty, Rebecca, Cedric, Wally, Elaine and Mike.

"Molly Ivins, Marjorie Cohn" -- Mike talks about death. Cedric and Wally ranked it their favorite.

"Howard Zinn, Isaiah, Joshua Frank" -- Elaine's hard hitting piece. Betty read it and said, "Well, Go Down, Moses." (A Faulkner ref.)

"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth's latest. Remember when Ruth was all P&Qs? Those days are over (and we share your disgust, Ruth).

"Tell your local newspaper: Draft Amy Goodman!" -- Elaine's other hard hitting piece of the week. Rebecca dubs it, "The ultimate pacifist goes hunting bird brains." (Liza Featherbrain.)
Elaine also argues for you to tell your local newspaper to carry Amy Goodman's column.

"Easy Black Ben Chili on Rice in the Kitchen" -- Trina's latest which addresses the issue of brands, war and more. It even includes a prayer: " May she also get seasick on her summer cruise."

"john mccain's show boat express" -- Rebecca's post inspired Isaiah's latest comic. Read it and who knows what it will inspire in you.

"The Hate-Addicted Fat Ass Friedman" -- Betty's latest and she says "big thanks" to Kat and C.I. She couldn't pull it together and, finally, C.I. told her she was blocked and suggested she move, take a walk, get out of the house. She wanted to but she was home with her three kids.
She couldn't go off for a walk for 15 minutes. C.I. and Kat hung up and called back. Kat spoke to Betty's daughter (who loves "Kitty Kat") and C.I. spoke to Betty's two sons (getting the oldest to play his guitar and then the youngest to show a song he'd just learned the lyrics too). They told Betty, "Take your cell phone. If anything goes wrong, we'll call you immediately. Nothing's going to go wrong while they're talking to us for 15 minutes and you get some fresh air." Nothing did go wrong and as Betty was finishing her walk, she knew exactly how to write what she wanted to.

"Betty filling in for Kat" -- we were all exhausted from DC and, last Monday, Betty offered to fill in for Kat.

"Pizza" -- Kat explains how politics is like deciding on a pizza.

"Kat's Korner: Lizzie West, faith in yourself" -- Kat's latest CD review.

"queen bess hurt other women" -- Rebecca notes that "Queen Bess" was a typo (it was supposed to be "Queen Bees" in the title) but it's now a newly coined term that's becoming quite popular.

"THIS JUST IN! IN THE MAINSTREAM THEY DANCE ON KNEE PADS" and "The Do-Do Dance (Humor)" -- Wally and Cedric explain the dancing habits of the mainstream media.

"THIS JUST IN! 2008'S CHOICE IS CLEAR: RUSS FEINGOLD!" and "Russ Feingold for President (not humor, deadly serious)" -- Cedric and Wally aren't joking here. They both want Russ Feingold to run. They say you can read that as their endorsement (it's Feingold's opening speech from last week).

"Tony Snowjobs sobbing moment (humor)" and "THIS JUST IN! TONY SNOWJOBS CONFESSES!" -- who knew Tony Snow was such a huge fan Jane Fonda fan? In yet another exclusive for Cedric and Wally, Snowjob fills them in over drinks.

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts 'Peace Resister'" -- Isaiah's instant classic from last week.

"And the war drags on" -- Ty passed on Shelby's e-mail where she insisted that this be the piece we note by C.I. ("Has it all, humor, passion, truth to power and a cool song parody.")

"Rest in Peace, Molly Ivins," "Developments!" and "Vote: Let Luke Find Love!" -- after a long absence, over four months, Seth posted three times last week.

"Aaron Glantz, Russ Feingold, Law & Disorder" -- Betty picked this and said, "A grab bag post from Mike that's surprisingly deep." We all laughed while Betty looked confused. Then it hit her. "I meant," she explained, "surprisingly deep for a grab bag. I didn't mean that Mike wasn't capable of depth!" Sure, Betty, sure. (Mike says ":D")