Sunday, January 21, 2007


Selected by Mike, Kat, Cedric, Rebecca, Wally, Elaine and Betty, our picks for the best at the community sites last week.

"Thomas Friedman plays at being Chauncey Gardiner" -- this is hilarious. All the more so if you've seen Being There where the gardiner gets all his 'wisdom' from TV.

"robert parry, sarah olson, etc" -- Rebecca weighing in on a number of topics.

"Diana's Dud" -- step away from the latest CD from Flawless, Kat advises.

"The literary set?" & "THIS JUST IN! THE PUZZLES OF S.M.U. AND ALBERTO" -- Cedric and Wally probe the non-readers.

"Serving symbolism and trying to pass it off as the real thing" & "THIS JUST IN! IT'S A SYMBOLIC WORLD AFTER ALL!" -- in the spirit of Cedric and Wally's post, might we suggest that regular column change its title from "Sweet Victories" to "Symbolic Victories"?

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Celibacy in the City (Series Finale)"" -- All good things, gotta come to an end. Sing it Jackson Browne. And bid farewell to Harri and her gal pals.

"Help Wanted: The Nation's in need of direction" -- Mike weighs in on thoughts as to what the problem at the magaine really is.

"Comics -- Celibacy in the City" -- Elaine explains the story of Celibacy in the City.

"Cajun Chicken Wings" -- it's more than just a recipe, folks.

"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth takes a look at PBS.
"Iraq snapshot" -- our favorite snapshot of the week.