Sunday, September 10, 2006

Iraq War Vets hold press conference Sunday 9:30 am in DC at Camp Democracy

We saw this as Op-Ed News and, it being a press release, we're noting it in full.

4 Iraq War Vets Detained at Pentagon
by David Swanson
Contact: David Swanson 202-329-7847
September 9, 2006
Karen Bradley 202 669 3927
Michael McPherson 314-303-8874
Online at:
Speakers available for interviews:
Four Iraq War Vets Detained at Pentagon
What: Press Conference with veterans who have been detained, and possibly arrested, at the Pentagon
When: 9:30 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006
Where: Camp Democracy on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., near Fourth Street.
Four veterans of the current war in Iraq and one supporter (a total of five young men) were detained at the Pentagon today after they attended an open house and left behind flyers providing information about the lethal effects of depleted uranium.
The five (if released) and leaders of Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Veterans for Peace will hold a press conference at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Sunday, September 10, at Camp Democracy, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., near Fourth Street.
The veterans observed literature available in the Pentagon's chapel, which is at the site of the 9-11 plane crash. This literature, produced at tax-payer expense, included copies of the New Testament in camouflage covers.
They left behind flyers explaining the effects of depleted uranium. Some of the vets detained currently suffer from depleted uranium poisoning.
The four vets are Steve Mortillo of Pennington, N.J.; Joe Hatcher of San Diego, Calif.; Geoff Millard of Buffalo, N.Y.; and Toby Hartbarger of Indiana. Also detained was Gregory "Tristan" Watson of Chicago, Ill.
Retired Col. Ann Wright said, "Iraq vets who have suffered the effects of depleted uranium have every right to educate others about the terrible effects of this illegal substance used in weapons produced by the United States government."
For more information see:

Camp Democracy, free and open to the public, is an ongoing camp in DC that has daily activities to reconnect citizens with the concept of democracy. Camp Democracy will continue through September 21st and will tackle issues from immigration rights to labor, from the illegal war to Hurricane Katrina and much more. This week includes many speakers and topics, September 11 is Ghandi Day of Nonviolence, the 12th is Climate Crisis Day, the 13th Verdict Day sponsored by the Bush Crimes Commission and World Can't Wait . . .

From an e-mail sent out last week:

Camp Democracy opened on the Mall in Washington on Tuesday, and will run through September 21st. We need you to come and join us now!
Here's what the Washington Post had to say about us this morning:

[. . . Note: This was a photo credit]

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