Sunday, August 20, 2006

"three times as many people were probably killed in Iraq in the same period"

While our eyes have been fixed on Lebanon, the situation in Iraq has been deteriorating. The death toll in Lebanon and Israel during the recent fighting was appalling, but three times as many people were probably killed in Iraq in the same period, UN figures suggest. There are often 70 or more fresh bodies in Baghdad's morgues each morning. Far from being reduced by the efforts of the Americans, the British and the Iraqi security forces, the figures for civilian deaths, now mainly communal killings, were the highest for many months in June, and are believed to be still rising.

The above is from The Guardian of London's "The Options Narrow" and something to keep in mind for this week's edition as well as for the rest of the week. Will Iraq lose out on coverage? (Again.) Will people kid themselves that by 'weighing in' on Ned Lamont's victory they're actually addressing Iraq? (Again.) Will the stories that actually matter about Iraq go uncovered? (Again.)