Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cindy Sheehan (again) Ups the Ante

Chanting "Try Rove for treason," Cindy Sheehan and more than 50 other war protesters disrupted a reception before President Bush's top adviser Karl Rove spoke at a fundraiser Saturday.
One woman was arrested during a scuffle with police after Sheehan and the anti-war demonstrators rushed toward the closed doors and kept chanting loudly after the guests went into the dinner.

[. . .]
Earlier Saturday, the group of more than 70 gathered at the hotel entrance, carrying a large banner that read, "Rove: Guilty of crimes against humanity." Ann Wright, a former U.S. diplomat who resigned in 2003 in protest over the war, yelled through a bullhorn, "Karl Rove, you are a criminal!"

-- from Angela K. Brown's "Sheehan, others protest at Rove event" (Associated Press via LA Daily).

With or without the support of the independent media, the peace movement goes on and demonstrations continue. This is the sort of upped ante Ann Wright was saying we needed to see. All the desk jockeys, whose 'knowledge' of activism against the war consists of what they see on CNN and read in The New York Times, will probably respond to the above with "Wh-what!" but for anyone paying attention or engaged, the news isn't shocking. It's the natural progression. A people ignored don't shrug their shoulders and say, "Okay, I give up." They persist.

Desk jockeys of the Nervous Nell set rushed in (again) last week to assure you that this wasn't like during Vietnam. Apparently they're waiting for Eartha Kitt to go to the White House and tell off Laura Bush. The opposition to the war continues to grow. CNN's most recent poll demonstrated yet another increase two weeks ago.

When the people are ignored and ignored the ante gets upped. Since Bully Boy has no intention of withdrawing the troops from Iraq look for the ante to continue to rise. In a poker game against the people, the Oval Office can't win.