Sunday, May 28, 2006

Blog Spotlight: Rebecca plays Judy Blume

Rebecca cracked us up with Are You There God? It's Me Rev. Dozier (a play on a Judy Blume book).

dixie chicks, flashpoints, attempting to privatize the bbc & more
1st off, the dixie chick's new cd comes out tomorrow so either order online or take a trip to where ever you purchase cds (if you have the money). there's a lot of reasons to buy it. 1) the music sounds strong. 2) they stood up when others were staying silent. 3) a woman who speaks her mind threatens a lot of people - if you're coming to this site, you either respect strong women or you read to roll your eyes. if you respect strong women, get the cd. if you're a sexist pig who enjoys rolling his (or, in some cases, her) eyes, grab the cd so you can roll your eyes while you listen.

on music, let me note 2 things. 1st, elaine's 'KPFA's Radio Chronicles' "John Ono Lennon" special' covers a special you may have missed so check it out. 2nd, "Kat's Korner: Springsteen's Seeger Sessions."

kpfa's flashpoints tonight had a number of items including the use of eminent domain to take property away from people the city doesn't want in the neighborhoods. janis karpinski was also on via a speech she gave to uc berkeley.

karpinski: in april of 2004 when the world saw the pictures from abu ghr for the 1st time, i was shocked, once again, and i was futher shocked because the only name they were linking to them was mine.

want more? listen to the show!

[. . .]

[Note: Rebecca asked that we not repost this section of her post -- it's noting a link that the person noting it has now withdrawn the endorsement for]

in florida, there's a new god-talks-to-me-pat-robertson type. his name is o'neal dozier. and 2 years ago, god spoke to him and told that charlie crist would be the next governor of florida. (natch, crist is a republican.) which brings up the old question: is it god? or is it diebold?

are you there wally o'dell, it's me rev. dozier?

a wonderful tale of growing up right-wing and fundy. best part is when a 12 y.o. dozier wakes in the middle of the night and discovers he's had a wet dream. unsure of what's happened, he's sure that the clear substance is blood and he must be very sick or it would be red. hilarity ensues as he learns to adjust to puberty and walks through the halls with his books carried over his lap to cover his pup tent.

of course when they grow up, the jokes are fewer which is why lifey deals with the fate of tom delay - serving hard time in prison.

that's it for tonight. cedric called and asked, 'you want to do short entries tonight?' if so, he said he could probably map out a few minutes to post. be sure to check out cedric's big mix.