Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tom Hayden on Sunday's RadioNation with Laura Flanders-Larry Benksy looks at the death penalty Sunday am-WBAI broadcast Waiting for Godot Monday night

"I never have nothing to listen to!" You better not whine that to us. Not when Tom Hayden's got an interview tonight, when you've got "Revenge, Retribution, Rectification" this morning and Waiting for Godot Monday night!

Radio notes, come and get your radio notes!

As Kat noted yesterday an interview Laura Flanders did with Tom Hayden (March 31st) will air for the first time tonight on RadioNation with Laura Flanders (you can listen by utilizing the link; this Air America Radio program also broadcasts over the airwaves from seven p.m. to ten pm. Eastern Standard Time).

We got more!

As Ruth noted:

Today on KPFA at nine a.m. Pacific time, eleven a.m. Central and noon Eastern, Larry Bensky's Sunday Salon will be exploring these topics:
In our first hour...
The Three "Rs"... No, not THOSE three... Revenge. Retribution. Rectification. The story we've passed down from generation to generation about these values fools us into believing our nation's penal system, including capital punishment, is legitimate. That's according to our guest, Judith Kay, author of "Murdering Myths: The Story Behind the Death Penalty."
In our second hour...
Who or Whom? That or Which? She or Her? Which is right? When? And how much does it really matter? Brush up on your grammar, or challenge your beliefs about it with Los Angeles Times columnist, June Casagrande, author of the new book "Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to Language for Fun & Spite," and Geoffrey Nunberg, professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information and the author of a the upcoming book "Talking Right: How Conservatives Turned Liberalism into a Tax-Raising, Latte-Drinking, Sushi-Eating, Volvo-Driving, New York Times-reading, Body-Piercing, Hollywood-Loving, Left-Wing Freak Show."
And Rachel e-mailed to note this Monday night program (air time is Eastern Standard Time) on WBAI:
SAMUEL BECKETT 100: A Special Presentation
Monday, April 10, from 9:00-11:00 pm:
Commemorate Beckett's centenary and the 50th anniversary of the American premiere of his masterpiece, Waiting for Godot, by listening to a special broadcast of the play featuring the original Broadway cast: Burt Lahr, E.G. Marshall, Alvin Epstein and Kurt Kasner. Hosted and with an introduction by Simon Loekle.