Sunday, April 23, 2006

Strange times in the U.S.A.

Strange times in the U.S.A.
Rumsfeld's staying in place
Even though he's helped to give
The country an ugly face.

One of a string of pearls
In the mouth of a swine --
As the dream unfurls
And democracy goes into decline.

Bully Boy dubs himself the decider
People are left out of the equation.
Dick Cheney has a travel rider
Including TV's turned to his favorite station.
Condi gave Jack the bed
Professional reporters giggled.
The topic of boos and hisses went dead
And the story was jiggled.
Yet again.
Yet again.

NYT gearing up for war with Iran
But still gets trusted
Like Larry Franklin, did they cop a plea
Or were they never really busted.

Patriot Act II awaits in the wings
When Bully Boy's asked about accountability.
He lies, laughs, slurs and stumbles
But someone thinks it's virility.
Condi No One Could Have Guessed Rice
Thinks the nation suffers from senility.
Scooter's leaking publicly to the press
While the most Colin Powell can confess
Is to a blot.
To a blot.

Strange times in the U.S.A.
It used to be the land of the free.
Terror alerts and scare tactics
We've become a nation gripped by insanity.

[Note: Three weekends ago, Dona heard Carly Simon's Hotcakes and fell in love with the song "Safe and Sound." This is our homage to that song. And note this: "Carly will be making a small "animated" appearance (as herself ) on Fox's The Family Guy TV show on Sunday, April 23rd."]