Sunday, January 08, 2006

Song spotlight: Bye, bye Bob Somerby

We love joint-entries. This one we love as well because we're big fans of Don McClean's song "American Pie" and because the new lyrics by Rebecca and C.I. are very funny. This appeared at Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude as well as at The Common Ills.

A long, long time ago . . . I can still remember how
That Howler used to make me smile.
And I knew if I clicked the link,
That it could make me think,
And maybe make me laugh for awhile.
But Larry Summers made me shiver,
New Republicans you'd prop and deliver,
Depressing my morning routine . . .
I couldn't take another read.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard about your conflict inside
But something ended the crazy ride
The day the Howler died.

So . . . bye, bye Bob Somerby
Checked out the conflict and the conflict was inside (of you)
And like Cokie and Tim you took people for a ride
Singing "You shall never see me clown
You shall never see me clown."

Did you write the (slam) book on Joe (Wilson)
And did you sell your soul?
If a buddy tells you so
Do you repeat GOP spin?
Who will save your mortal soul
Who will walk you through slow?
Well I know you're friends with him
Cause I saw you dancing in the gym
You both took out your knives
Went after Joe Wilson with spin and lies.
I was a depressed woman in a funk
Pissed off at the election and the bully punk
And I knew that the Howler was sunk
The day the Howler died.

So . . . bye, bye Bob Somerby
Checked out the conflict and the conflict was inside (of you)
And like Cokie and Tim you took people for a ride
Singing "You shall never see me clown
You shall never see me clown."

Now for the next election cycle we're on our own
And that might make some moan and groan
But you're off in the DLC zone
The jester jumping the king to push the queen
In a coat borrowed from Time magazine
In a voice that came from you and you know who
And while the queen was acting a hawk
You were silent on Iraq
You were clowning to the max
Self-disclosure was real lax.
While Naomi read from the book of Baghad
We were gathered in Central Park
But you were somewhere in the dark
The day the Howler died.

So ... bye, bye Bob Somerby
Checked out the conflict and the conflict was inside (of you)
And like Cokie and Tim you took people for a ride
Singing "You shall never see me clown
You shall never see me clown."

New York Times in the summer scandal
Judy Miller left without shelter
Kicked off her perch and falling fast
She landed foul upon the grass.
But you never wrote of her or him
And in the end that did you in
Now you're the daily fool
Who broke his own rules
A crank, no longer cool.
As the truth tried to take the field
Spin, you refused to yield
Even so you've been revealed
The day the Howler died.

So . . . bye, bye Bob Somerby
Checked out the conflict and the conflict was inside (of you)
And like Cokie and Tim you took people for a ride
Singing "You shall never see me clown
You shall never see me clown."

There we were all in defeat
No time left to clown on the beat
The Constitution taking heat
But Bob be obtuse
Bob be a bore
Bob tell us about '99 once more
Cause you've got so little to say about today.
As I watched you divert from the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
Not even Joan Baez speaking real
Could break your Faustian deal
And as smoke poured from the screen
Robert Novak wasn't that mean
The day the Howler died.

There was a time when I sang the blues
But you could cheer me up with your views
Those days have long faded away.
I went back to the source within
Where I found strength to begin
And no sexists were allowed
And in the streets Kim Gandy screamed
The women gathered and the women dreamed
Not a word of you was spoken
Your promise had long been broken
And the three women I admire the most
Naomi, Gandy and Gloria the most
Said that this was no time to coast
And the Howler died.

So ... bye, bye Bob Somerby
Checked out the conflict and the conflict was inside (of you)
And like Cokie and Tim you took people for a ride
Singing "You shall never see me clown
You shall never see me clown."