Sunday, February 06, 2005

Note to the readers

It's up, up and away!

Another Sunday, another Third Estate Sunday Review.

Much to our chagrin, we were scrambling to the end.

Our thanks to Folding Star of A Winding Road for allowing us to reprint a blog entry.

And our thanks to Folding Star also for the strong essay contributed on the Senate.

Next week, we're probably going to touch base with Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude again because we got a lot of e-mails about her interview and her blog entry she allowed us to reprint.

As usual, we owe more thanks than are possible to C.I. of The Common Ills. We begged for help early on with the Dylan Thomas post. Then later in the afternoon we began submitting our drafts for feedback and suggestions. That included the TV review of Medium which C.I. looked at and added feedback to even though "I've never seen this show." Our feature on suicide was also something C.I. added input on in the draft stage.

We had intended to an editorial on the culture we, as a country, are creating and were working through that and arguing over it. Ava was on the computer trying to find a figure to back up a point Ty had that Jess was disagreeing with when she checked the e-mail and found C.I. had e-mailed us Daniel Okrent's latest column. Reading it, we agreed with C.I.'s note, that it was a laugh riot.

And immediately, we decided this was our editorial. We were all writing and researching and C.I. agreed to help provided any paragraphs mentioning The Common Ills remained with the five of us and weren't passed onto C.I. Without C.I.'s help, we'd still be working on it as opposed to get ready to crash as soon as this posts.

We had talked of reprinting C.I.'s post on Simon Rosenberg since the race for DNC chair is about to be decided. However, Rosenberg dropped out. With our new editorial, we decided to highlight The Common Ills post on why Daniel Okrent should step down.

We think there are some strong things in this edition. You've responded most (judging by e-mails) to the TV coverage. We really hadn't intended to TV so often but you enjoy reading it so we'll keep pushing it until we hear otherwise. (Or until the well goes dry on our end.)

Dona feels that we can be proud of this edition but we almost blew it by putting off so much work until Saturday. We're going to try to be on top of things for this coming weekend. Don't be surprised if we're running behind schedule.