Monday, June 17, 2024

That lying Glynneth Greenwald

Is there a cheaper looking whore than Glynneth Greenwald?  That home coloring of his hair, the pounds he's packed up, his emerging boobies (he's really starting to need a training bra)?


He's always been a fake ass bitch.  He and his dirty hag Jane Hamsher fooled a lot of people back in the day.  It's harder for him now.

He exposed himself with this GOP talking point last week.

He exposed himself and the cops came and they started to arrest him but then it was pointed out "That's a child's wang" so he got off-- in multiple ways.

But Sam Seder brought the receipts so we can all realize what a liar Glynneth Greenwald actually is.

 Poor Glynneth, it's hard to watch a cheap whore revealed.

And that's what Glynneth is.  Cheap.  Whore.

He wants us all to join him in honoring his late husband.

You mean the one he was too busy setting up a podcast for?  You mean the one who died in the hospital?


We have no sympathy for that bitch.  


It was more important to him to set up that useless podcast then to be at his husband's side -- and his husband was dying.  


That's the real Glynneth,  a cheap whore.  He will never find anyone else to really love him.


That's what he has to live with now.  

 But that's okay, he doesn't want love.

He wants to be degraded.  By straight men.  That's his kink.  He's part of that MAGA conservative gay crowd -- the ones who say "LGB" and trash transgender people and use slogans like "red pill" and "vote your rights away."  He hates himself and he is turned on by others hating him.  He's disgusting.

And he'll always be the person who focused on creating his podcast and instead of being at his dying husband's side.